This time sensitive document was prepared for the client listed on the Cover Page of this report. Any reproduction, use, or resale of this document by individuals other than who is listed on the report cover page, or their assigns, is not supported by the inspector and company.
Comment Key or Definitions
The following definitions of comment descriptions represent this inspection report. All comments by the inspector should be considered before purchasing this RV home. Any recommendations by the inspector to repair or replace suggests a second opinion or further inspection by a qualified RV technician. All costs associated with further inspection fees and repair or replacement of item, component or unit should be considered before you purchase.
Acceptable (A) = A visually observed item, component or unit and if no other comments were made then it appeared to be functioning as intended allowing for normal wear and tear.
Fair (F)= The item or its components is not in need of immediate repair but wear and tear exists and the item is not in optimum condition. Some opinions may elect to repair or replace this item now while others may wait.
Poor (P) = The item, component or unit is not functioning as intended and replacement is recommended, or needs further inspection by a qualified RV technician.
Not Inspected (NI)= The item, unit or component was not inspected, and no representations were made as to whether or not it was functioning as intended and a statement for the reason for not inspecting may be made.
Not Present (NP) = This item, component or unit is not in this RV.
NRVIA Standards of Practice
Purpose, Scope and General Statements
1 – The purpose of the Standards of Practice is to establish a uniform standard for the companies RV Inspector to inspect and report in an objective manner the conditions of a Recreational Vehicle and its components.
2 – The Standards describe the components, and systems included in an RV Inspection.
3 – The Standards apply to motorized and towable types of RVs as defined by the RV Industry.
4 – The Standards apply to a visual inspection of those areas, components and systems that are readily accessible to determine at the time of inspection that they are performing their intended function without regard to life expectancy.
5 – The purpose of the RV inspection is to identify visible and operational defects as permitted by the current conditions that in the judgment of the RV Inspector will adversely affect the function or integrity of the items, components and systems of the Recreational Vehicle.
6 – RV Inspections performed under the Standards of Practice are basically visual and rely upon the opinion, judgment, education and experience of the RV Inspector and are not intended to be technically exhaustive.
7 – RV Inspections shall be performed in a time period sufficient to allow compliance with the provisions of the NRVIA Standards of Practice.
8 – RV Inspections performed under the Standards shall not be construed as being a compliance inspection of any code, governmental regulation or manufacturer’s installation instructions or procedures. In the event a law, statute or ordinance prohibits a procedure recommended in the Standards, the RV Inspector is relieved of the obligation to adhere to the prohibited part of the Standards.
9 – RV Inspections performed under the Standards are not an expressed, implied warranty or guarantee of adequacy, performance or useful life of any RV, any of its components or systems.
10 – Only those items specifically listed on the RV Inspection Report will be included in the RV Inspectors evaluation.
11 – The RV Inspector shall report any system or component included in the Standards of Practice which were present at the time of the RV Inspection but were NOT inspected and provide the reason they were not inspected.
General Limitations and Exclusions
1 – RV Inspections performed under the companies Standards of Practice exclude any items concealed or not readily accessible to the RV Inspector. The RV Inspector is not required to move furniture, personal or stored items. Lifting floor covering, accessing interior walls and ceilings in which could damage or destroy the components or systems being evaluated is not part of the RV Inspection.
2 – The determination of the presence of damage caused by insects or water is only to be evaluated by observation with an opinion being rendered by RV Inspector that is to make the client aware of the issue.
3 – Excluded from the Standards of Practice is the determination of indoor air quality of the RV and it’s consequence of physical damage, toxicity, odors, waste products and noxiousness.
4 – The RV Inspection and report are opinions only that are based upon the visual observation of the existing conditions of the RV at the time of the RV Inspection. The report is not intended to be or construed as a guarantee, warranty or any form of insurance. The RV Inspector will not be responsible for any repairs or replacement with regard to the RV or its contents.
5 – The RV Inspector is not required to enter any premises that visibly show a threat to the safety of the RV Inspector or others nor inspect any area or component that poses a danger to the RV Inspector or others.
6 – The NRVIA Certified RV Inspector will inspect and report on the RV items listed in this report and their condition during the RV Inspection. Any additional items of inspection will be dependent upon any agreements that are made between the client and the RV Inspector.
How to Read This Report
Getting the Information to You
This report is designed to deliver important and technical information in a way that is easy for anyone to access and understand. If you are in a hurry, you can take a quick look at our "Summary Page” and quickly get critical information for important decision making. However, we strongly recommend that you take the time to read the full Report, which includes digital photographs, captions, diagrams, descriptions, videos and hot links to additional information.
The best way to get the layers of information that are presented in this report is to read your report online, which will allow you to expand your learning about your RV. You will notice some words or series of words highlighted in blue and underlined – clicking on these will provide you with a link to additional information.
This report can also be printed on paper or to a PDF document.
Chapters and Sections
This report is divided into chapters that parcel the RV into logical inspection components. Each chapter is broken into sections that relate to a specific system or component of the RV. You can navigate between chapters with the click of a button on the left side margin.
Most sections will contain some descriptive information done in black font. Observation narrative, done in colored boxes, will be included if a system or component is found to be significantly deficient in some way or if we wish to provide helpful additional information about the system or the scope of our inspection. If a system or component of the RV was deemed to be in satisfactory or serviceable condition, there may be no narrative observation comments in that section and it may simply say “tested,” or “inspected.”
Observation Labels
All narrative observations are colored, numbered and labeled to help you find, refer to, and understand the severity of the observation. Observation colors and labels used in this report are:
- Life Safety Issue:The following items indicate that the condition is a LIFE SAFETY ISSUE. It could cause accident or harm. It is recommended that a qualified RV technician or appropriate service person investigate further and correct as needed.
- Major Issue:The following items indicate that the condition is a MAJOR ISSUE. It impacts longevity of the vehicle, can be a possible costly repair and/or warrants immediate repair. It is recommended that a qualified RV technician or appropriate service person investigate further and correct as needed.
- Minor Issue:The following items indicate that the condition is a MINOR ISSUE. It does not impact the operation or use of the vehicle and can possibly be repaired later. It is recommended that a qualified RV technician or appropriate service person investigate further and correct as needed.
- Notice / Comment:Refers to aside information and /or any comments elaborating on descriptions of systems in the RV or limitations to the RV inspection.
- Description:Detailed description of various aspects of the coach noted during the inspection.
Summary Page
The Summary Page is designed as a bulleted overview of all the observations noted during inspection. This helpful overview is not a substitution for reading the entire inspection report. The entire report must be read to get a complete understanding of this inspection report as the Summary Page does not include photographs or photo captions.
Life Safety Issues
- TW-4 Tires and Wheels:
The inspector observed a pressure lower than 5% of the recommended cold pressure reading of the streetside front tire. This is considered a life safety issue. It is recommended that the streetside front tire tire be inflated to it's cold operating pressure by a tire specialist prior to using the coach.
- MRT-3 MH-Engine, Radiator and Transmission:
National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) 1192 Standard for RVs, section requires - "Ball couplings .... shall be identified as complying with SAE J684". SAE 684 section 5.4 requires "Trailer couplings .... shall be permanently marked with the following information:
5.4.1 Coupling manufacturer's name, initials, or trademark.
5.4.2 Part, style, pr model number.
5.4.3 SAE coupling classification and maximum trailer GVWR.
5.4.4 Ball diameters for which coupling is designed.
- I-14 Interior:
The inspector was unable to open the emergency window in the bedroom area with reasonable force as required by the NFPA-1192 which states; 'No more than 20-lb of force (89 N) shall be required to open a means of escape.' It is recommended that this be service by a qualified RV technician before occupying the coach as this is a life safety issue.
The customer was able to open the window by adding more force to open the window.
- I-15 Interior:
The inspector was unable to open the emergency window in the living room area with reasonable force as required by the NFPA-1192 which states; 'No more than 20-lb of force (89 N) shall be required to open a means of escape.' It is recommended that this be service by a qualified RV technician before occupying the coach as this is a life safety issue.
Major Issues
- RE-2 Roof Exterior:
The inspector observed gaps in the sealant on the electrical junction box on the roof front curbside. It is recommended that this be serviced by a qualified RV technician to prevent future water intrusion.
- MWCA-1 MH-Front Windshield and Cab Area:
The inspector observed that the trim behind the dash radios is loose and not well attached. It is recommended that this be serviced by qualified RV technician.
- MWCA-2 MH-Front Windshield and Cab Area:
The inspector observed that the dash trim piece above the engine instrument cluster is loose. It is recommended that this be serviced by qualified RV technician.
- MWCA-3 MH-Front Windshield and Cab Area:
The inspector observed that the screw closest to the street side of the windshield / dash trim is not fully set. The inspector also observes that there appears to be some tape from manufacturing that is still present. It is recommended that these be serviced by a qualified RV technician.
- ES-3 Exterior Sidewalls:
- ED-1 Entrance Doors:
The inspector observed the gaps in the sealant of the entrance door front of the lower window . It is recommended that this be serviced by a qualified RV technician.
- S-3 Slideouts:
The inspector observed that the interior roof bulb seal may not seal the slideout when it is fully extended. It is recommended that this be serviced by a qualified RV technician.
- S-4 Slideouts:
Rear Curbside Floor Seal:
- S-5 Slideouts:
Rear Curbside Slideout Front Floor Seal:
- S-6 Slideouts:
The inspector observed that the sweep behind the top trim molding is not even replaced, there are potential gaps when the slide out is extended. It is recommended that this be serviced by qualified RV technician
- S-7 Slideouts:
With the rear streetside slideout in there is a gap on the rear lower seal, outside light was observed. It is recommended that this be serviced by qualified RV technician to prevent future intrusion.
- S-8 Slideouts:
The inspector observed that the streetside rear slideout does not have a inside sweep and bulb seal like the front slideout. It is recommended that a qualified RV technician contact the manufacture to verify if a sweep should
be installed at the inside top of the coach wall.
- TW-5 Tires and Wheels:
The inspector observed weather checking on the curbside front tire near the tread. It is recommended that the
tires be inspected by a qualified tire specialist.
- ES1VA1VD-6 Electrical System 120 Volt AC and 12 Volt DC:
The inspector observed that when the battery tray is pulled out the baffle along the left side of the battery tray is catching on the cables and is moving. It is recommended that this we serviced by a qualified RV technician.
- AAC-5 Appliances: Air Conditioners:
The model number of the center AC (47024B679) indicates that this is a heat pump model. The Monitor panel does not appear to allow operation of the center AC in heat pump mode.
- I-4 Interior:
The inspector observed a hole behind the dinette lower rear cabinet. It is recommended that this be service by
qualified RV technician.
- I-5 Interior:
The left hinge of the right cabinet above the bedroom emergency exit window is loose and moves. It is
recommended that this be serviced by qualified our view technician.
- I-6 Interior:
The left hinge of the center cabinet above the emergency exit window is loose and moves. It is recommended
that this be serviced by qualified RV technician.
- I-7 Interior:
The left hinge of the left cabinet above the emergency exit window is loose and moves. It is recommended that
this be serviced by qualified RV technician.
- I-8 Interior:
The inspector observed that the front bedside cabinet of the rear curbside slide out has gaps and is improperly
finished. It is recommended that this be serviced by a qualified RV technician.
- I-9 Interior:
The inspector observed that the bedroom streetside drawer under the emergency window is not attached to the glides. It is recommended that this be serviced by a qualified RV technician.
- I-10 Interior:
The inspector observed that the lower cabinet between the sink and fridge has an issue with a slide. It is recommended that this be serviced by qualified RV technician.
- I-11 Interior:
The inspector observed poor workmanship on the curbside rear slide out front cabinet top. It is recommended that
this be serviced by qualified RV technician.
- I-12 Interior:
The inspector observed a large gap in the front of the driver's curbside window. It is recommended that this be serviced by qualified RV technician.
- I-16 Interior:
The inspector observed that the toilet seat cannot be raised as it interferes with the wall. It is recommended that this
be serviced by qualified RV technician.
- I-17 Interior:
The inspector of observed a spot of antifreeze under the rear bathroom sink. It is recommended that this be serviced
by a qualified RV technician.
- F-1 Furniture:
The electric equipment shelf under the bedroom TV is not level, 6" inches on the left, 6.5" on the right side. It is recommended that
this be serviced by qualified our new technician.
- F-2 Furniture:
The inspector observed that the bedroom streetside drawer under the emergency window is not attached to the
glides. It is recommended that this be serviced by a qualified RV technician.
- F-3 Furniture:
The inspector observed that the lower cabinet between the sink and refrigerator has an issue with a slide. It is
recommended that this be serviced by qualified RV technician.
Minor Issues
- RE-3 Roof Exterior:
The inspector observed that rubber seal on the front curbside of the coach is not attached to the roof. It is recommended that this be serviced by a qualified RV technician.
- RE-5 Roof Exterior:
The inspector observed a gap at the base of the radio antenna on the curbside of the coach. It is recommended that
this be serviced by a qualified RV technician.
- S-2 Slideouts:
The inspector observed a gap on the curbside rear slideout on the upper rear trim near the roof of the slideout. It is recommended that this be serviced by qualified RV technician.
- TW-1 Tires and Wheels:
Weather checked tires
- TW-2 Tires and Wheels:
The inspector observed weather checking on the drive axle curbside outside tire near the tread. It is recommended that the tires be inspected by a qualified tire specialist.
- TW-3 Tires and Wheels:
The inspector observed weather checking on the streetside outside drive tire near the tread. It is recommended that the tires be inspected by a qualified tire specialist.
- 1VDCL-2 12 Volt DC Chassis Lights:
The inspector observed gaps in the sealant on their rear clearance lights. It is recommended that this be serviced by qualified RV technician.
- WS-3 Water Systems :
The prospective owner was unable to connect to the Spyder interface / monitor panel via Wi-Fi. It is recommended that this interface be verified and the owner guided through the setup process.
- PTLC-5 Propane Tank, Lines and Connections:
The fire extinguisher is not securely mounted in its bracket. It is recommended that this be serviced by qualified RV technician.
- I-13 Interior:
The inspector observed a gap between the window and screen on the emergency exit window. It is recommended that this be serviced by the qualified RV technician.
- E-1 Electronics:
The inspector observed that the Blu-ray DVD player is not securely mounted. It is recommended that this be
serviced by a qualified RV technician.
- E-2 Electronics:
The inspector was unable to test the satellite dish and receiver. It is recommended that satellite service be
configured and the operation of a satellite system verified.
- E-3 Electronics:
The inspector observed that the satellite receiver in the bedroom is not securely mounted. It is recommended that
this be serviced by a qualified RV technician.
Notice / Comment
- RE-4 Roof Exterior:
The inspector was not able to verify that the serial number listed on the build sheet matches the serial number of the center AC unit.
- ES-2 Exterior Sidewalls:
Uneven Sealant Above Curbside Entrance Door.
- S-1 Slideouts:
The inspector recommends verification of the strip placement on the top inside of the curbside front slideout by a qualified RV technician.
- S-9 Slideouts:
Streetside Front Slideout:
- MRT-2 MH-Engine, Radiator and Transmission:
The inspector was not able to discern manufacturer or capacity information from the label on the receiver hitch.
The 2021 brochure indicates that the hitch has a rating of 10,000 lbs.
- ES1VA1VD-3 Electrical System 120 Volt AC and 12 Volt DC:
This coach has an automatic transfer switch (ATS). It is recommended that high load devices such as AC and heating elements be powered off as well as unplugging shore power before starting the generator.
- ES1VA1VD-4 Electrical System 120 Volt AC and 12 Volt DC:
It is recommended that a certified RV technician verifies that the cables to the generator are properly dressed so as not to bind when the generator is moved in or out.
- WS-1 Water Systems :
A water hose regulator was not present in the coach. High water pressure can burst your RV's pipes, cause leaks, and loosen connections within the plumbing system. It is recommended that a water hose regulator be purchased before using the coach.
- PTLC-1 Propane Tank, Lines and Connections:
This coach does not have a propane system, heat and hot water is provided by the Aqua-Hot system which operates
on AC and diesel. The coach has a True Induction cooktop which operates on AC.
- AK-2 Appliances: Kitchen:
The inspector observed significant antifreeze in the freezer drawers.
- AK-4 Appliances: Kitchen:
Induction cooktops requires pots and pans that are made of ferrous (meaning magnetic) materials. Check your cookware's retail box for the induction symbol. To tell if your current cookware is compatible with the induction technology, grab a magnet and see if it holds.
- AAC-1 Appliances: Air Conditioners:
At the time of the inspection the outside temperature was below 40 degrees and therefor the AC(s) were not tested and Delta-T data was not collected. It is recommended that the AC be tested when the outside temperature is above 60 degrees.
- AAC-2 Appliances: Air Conditioners:
The inspector was not able to verify that the serial number listed on the build sheet matches the serial number of the front AC unit.
- AAC-3 Appliances: Air Conditioners:
At the time of the inspection the outside temperature was below 40 degrees and therefor the AC(S) were not tested and Delta-T data was not collected. It is recommended that the AC be tested when the outside temperature is above 60 degrees.
- AAC-4 Appliances: Air Conditioners:
The inspector was not able to verify that the serial number listed on the build sheet matches the serial number of the center AC unit.
- AAC-6 Appliances: Air Conditioners:
) At the time of the inspection the outside temperature was below 40 degrees and therefor the AC(S) were not tested and Delta-T data was not collected. It is recommended that the AC be tested when the outside temperature is above 60 degrees.
- AAC-7 Appliances: Air Conditioners:
The inspector was not able to verify that the serial number listed on the build sheet matches the serial number of the rear AC unit.
- I-3 Interior:
The inspector observed that the serial number of the single documented AC in the owner's manual does not match
any of the AC units listed on the build sheet.
The Full Report
Vehicle Information
VIN Information
RVIA / Canadian Seal
Manufacture Information
Chassis Information
State License Plate
Build Sheet
Roof Exterior
Air Conditioner Front
Air Conditioner Center
Air Conditioner Rear
Other Roof Equipment
Curbside Front Slideout
Curbside Rear Slideout
Streetside Rear Slideout
Streetside Front Slideout
Tires and Wheels
Curbside-Front Tire/Wheel
Curbside Inside-Drive Tire/Wheel
Curbside Outside-Tire/Wheel
Streetside Outside-Drive Tire/Wheel
Streetside Inside-Drive Tire/Wheel
Streetside Front-Tire/Wheel
Electrical System 120 Volt AC and 12 Volt DC
Hot Skin Tests
Power Cord
Electrical Panel & Fuses
AC Outlets & GCFI
Power Converter
Surge Protector
Solar Battery Management System (BMS)
12 Volt DC Chassis Battery
12 Volt DC House Battery
Propane Tank, Lines and Connections
Combination LP /CO Detector
Smoke Detector
Fire Extinguisher
Appliances: Other
Water Heater
Washer / Dryer
In-House Vacuum System
Electric Fireplace
Ceiling Fan
Appliances: Air Conditioners
Air Conditioners - Front
Air Conditioners - Center
Air Conditioners - Rear
Photos & RV Manuals
Windows, Blinds and Shades
Kitchen Sink
Bathroom Sink
Bathroom Sink #2
General Info
Weather: Snow
Type of Inspection: Buyer: Pre-Purchase RV Inspection
Style of RV: Class A Diesel Pusher
RV Status: Vacant: RV Dealership
Client Present: Yes, at the end of the inspection
Start Temp: 12
Vehicle Information
VIN Information
VIN Number: Photo Included, 4UZACGFC5NCNS####
VIN Location: Driver's Seat Area
VIN Number / VIN Data Plate Photo:
RVIA / Canadian Seal
Manufacture Information
Brand of RV: Manufacturer's Brand Name, Allegro Red
Model: RV Designation, 37PA
Manufacturer Name / Location: Tiffin / Red Bay, AL
Date of Manufacturer: November, 2021
Gross Vehicle Weight Rating (GVWR): From Data Plate, 37,300 lbs
Chassis Information
Chassis Manufacturer Name: Freightliner
Chassis Manufacturer Date: August, 2021
Incomplete Chassis VIN Data Plate Photo:
State License Plate
State Inspection Sticker Current: Not Required
State License Plate Current: Not Present
State License Plate Photo:
Build Sheet
Build Sheet Photo:
Roof Exterior
Roof Type: Fiberglass
Areas of Possible Water Intrusion: No
Roof Condition:Poor
Front Cap, Joints and Seals:Acceptable
Awning Rail Trim (Curbside):Acceptable
Rear Cap, Joints and Seals:Acceptable
Trim Rail (Streetside):Acceptable
Roof Ladder Type: Mounted
Ladder - Roof Access:Acceptable
The inspector observed gaps in the sealant on the electrical junction box on the roof front curbside. It is recommended that this be serviced by a qualified RV technician to prevent future water intrusion.
The inspector observed that rubber seal on the front curbside of the coach is not attached to the roof. It is recommended that this be serviced by a qualified RV technician.
Vents - Manual Crank (14 x 14):Not Present
Vents Powered (14x14):Acceptable
Exterior Vent Covers:Not Present
Plumbing Vent Covers:Acceptable
Refrigerator Roof Vent:Not Present
Air Conditioner Front
AC Shroud:Acceptable
AC Exterior Coils:Acceptable
The inspector was not able to verify that the serial number listed on the build sheet matches the serial number of the center AC unit.
Air Conditioner Center
AC Shroud:Acceptable
AC Exterior Coils:Acceptable
Air Conditioner Rear
AC Shroud:Acceptable
AC Exterior Coils:Acceptable
TV Antenna - Moves Up and Down: Fixed
TV Antenna - Cleaned and Maintained: Yes
Antenna Power Booster Operates: Yes
TV Antenna Exterior Roof Unit:Acceptable
TV Antenna Interior Handle and Crank:Not Present
Satellite Antenna:Acceptable
Radio Antenna:Fair
The inspector observed a gap at the base of the radio antenna on the curbside of the coach. It is recommended that
this be serviced by a qualified RV technician.
Other Roof Equipment
Number of Solar Panels: None
Solar Panels:Not Present
Equipment Removed: No
Air Horns:Not Present
MH-Front Windshield and Cab Area
Windshield Type: Glass with No Frame
Windshield Condition:Acceptable
Wiper and Washers: Operate as intended
Wiper and Washer Condition:Acceptable
Headlight Opteration: Operate as intended
Headlight Operation:Acceptable
Sun Shades: Electric
Sun Shades:Acceptable
12 Volt Fans: Operate as intended
12 Volt Fans:Acceptable
Rear View Camera Operational: Yes
Rear View Camera:Acceptable
Dash Radio Operational: Yes
Dash Radio Operational:Acceptable
Cab Area Seating: Driver's seat acceptable, Passenger seat acceptable
Cab Area Seating:Fair
Step Cover:Acceptable
The inspector observed that the trim behind the dash radios is loose and not well attached. It is recommended that this be serviced by qualified RV technician.
The inspector observed that the dash trim piece above the engine instrument cluster is loose. It is recommended that this be serviced by qualified RV technician.
The inspector observed that the screw closest to the street side of the windshield / dash trim is not fully set. The inspector also observes that there appears to be some tape from manufacturing that is still present. It is recommended that these be serviced by a qualified RV technician.
Exterior Sidewalls
Front Cap / Wall
Exterior Wall Surface Type: Full Body Paint
Any Damage or Discoloration or Delamination: No
Sidewall Condition:Acceptable
Paint and Decals:Acceptable
Windows: None
Windows:Not Present
Cargo Door: None
Cargo/Access Doors:Not Present
Front Wall Photo:
Curbside - Sidewall
Exterior Wall Surface Type: Full Body Paint
Any Damage or Discoloration or Delamination: No
Sidewall Condition:Fair
Paint and Decals:Acceptable
Windows: Glass with Frame
Cargo Door: Doors with Keyed Slam Latch
Cargo/Access Doors:Acceptable
Uneven Sealant Above Curbside Entrance Door.
Rear Cap / Wall
Exterior Wall Surface Type: Full Body Paint
Any Damage or Discoloration or Delamination: No
Sidewall Condition:Poor
Paint and Decals:Acceptable
Windows: None
Windows:Not Present
Cargo Door: None
Cargo/Access Doors:Not Present
Streetside Sidewall
Exterior Wall Surface Type: Full Body Paint
Any Damage or Discoloration or Delamination: No
Sidewall Condition:Acceptable
Paint and Decals:Acceptable
Windows: Glass with Frame
Cargo Door: Doors with Keyed Slam Latch
Cargo/Access Doors:Acceptable
Entrance Doors
Door - Coach
Type of Entrance Door: Fiberglass
Keyless Entry Door Lock System: Yes
Keyless Entry Door Lock Functional: Yes
Keyed Door Lock / Deadbolt: Yes
Keyed Door Lock / Deadbolt Functional: Yes
Type of Step System: Electric
Number of Steps: Two
Grab Bar Type: Grab Handle
Is the Interior Step Cover Present and Operational?: Yes
Door Condition:Fair
The inspector observed the gaps in the sealant of the entrance door front of the lower window . It is recommended that this be serviced by a qualified RV technician.
Door Awning
Awning Material: Cloth
Operational Type: Electric
Frame and Latching Mechanism:Acceptable
Fabric Condition:Acceptable
Awning Operation:Acceptable
Door Awning:
Main Awning
Awning Material: Cloth
Operational Type: Electric
Frame and Latching Mechanism:Acceptable
Fabric Condition:Acceptable
Awning Operation:Acceptable
Main Awning - Front:
Curbside Front Slideout
Slideout Roof Type: Fiberglass
Slideout Drive System: Hydraulic Piston
Slideout T-Molding Trim:Acceptable
Seals, Sweeps and Gaskets:Acceptable
Slide Rail Gear Rack System:Acceptable
Wiring Harness under Slideout:Acceptable
12 Volt DC Control and Switches:Acceptable
Slideout Operation:Acceptable
Slideout Awning Topper Operation:Acceptable
Slideout Awning Topper Frame & Latching Mechanism:Acceptable
Slideout Awning Topper Fabric:Acceptable
The inspector recommends verification of the strip placement on the top inside of the curbside front slideout by a qualified RV technician.
Curbside Rear Slideout
Slideout Roof Type: Fiberglass
Slideout Drive System: Electric Motor w/Screw Drive
Slideout Roof:Acceptable
Seals, Sweeps and Gaskets:Poor
Slide Rail Gear Rack System:Not Present
Wiring Harness under Slideout:Not Present
12 Volt DC Control and Switches:Acceptable
Slideout Operation:Acceptable
Slideout Awning Topper Operation:Acceptable
Slideout Awning Topper Frame & Latching Mechanism:Acceptable
Slideout Awning Topper Fabric:Acceptable
The inspector observed that the interior roof bulb seal may not seal the slideout when it is fully extended. It is recommended that this be serviced by a qualified RV technician.
Rear Curbside Floor Seal:
Rear Curbside Slideout Front Floor Seal:
The inspector observed a gap on the curbside rear slideout on the upper rear trim near the roof of the slideout. It is recommended that this be serviced by qualified RV technician.
Streetside Rear Slideout
Slideout Roof Type: Fiberglass
Slideout Drive System: Lippert Schwintek w/In-wall Electric Motor
Slideout Roof:Acceptable
Slideout T-Molding Trim:Acceptable
Seals, Sweeps and Gaskets:Poor
Slide Rail Gear Rack System:Acceptable
Wiring Harness under Slideout:Acceptable
12 Volt DC Control and Switches:Acceptable
Slideout Operation:Acceptable
Slideout Awning Topper Operation:Acceptable
Slideout Awning Topper Frame & Latching Mechanism:Acceptable
Slideout Awning Topper Fabric:Acceptable
The inspector observed that the sweep behind the top trim molding is not even replaced, there are potential gaps when the slide out is extended. It is recommended that this be serviced by qualified RV technician
With the rear streetside slideout in there is a gap on the rear lower seal, outside light was observed. It is recommended that this be serviced by qualified RV technician to prevent future intrusion.
The inspector observed that the streetside rear slideout does not have a inside sweep and bulb seal like the front slideout. It is recommended that a qualified RV technician contact the manufacture to verify if a sweep should
be installed at the inside top of the coach wall.
Streetside Front Slideout
Slideout Roof Type: Fiberglass
Slideout Drive System: Hydraulic Piston
Slideout Roof:Acceptable
Slideout T-Molding Trim:Acceptable
Seals, Sweeps and Gaskets:Acceptable
Slide Rail Gear Rack System:Not Present
Wiring Harness under Slideout:Acceptable
12 Volt DC Control and Switches:Acceptable
Slideout Operation:Acceptable
Slideout Awning Topper Operation:Acceptable
Slideout Awning Topper Fabric:Acceptable
Streetside Front Slideout:
Tires and Wheels
-The National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) and some tire manufacturers are recommending that all tires older than six years should be replaced, regardless of their condition.
Curbside-Front Tire/Wheel
Tread Depth: 18/32 inch
Tire Brand: Michelin
Tire Size: 275/80R22.5
DOT Date: Unable to Visually Verify
Load Capacity: Single Tire Rating, 7,160 lbs
Load Range: H
Maximum Air Pressure: 120 PSI
Cold Inflation Pressure: 110 PSI
Current Air Pressure in Tire: Tire Gauge Reading (psi), 98
Valve Extensions Installed: No
Tire Pressure Monitors Installed: Yes
Tire Condition:Fair
Tire Tread Condition:Acceptable
Curbside Inside-Drive Tire/Wheel
Tread Depth: 19/32 inch
Tire Brand: Michelin
Tire Size: 275/80R22.5
DOT Date: Unable to Visually Verify
Load Capacity: Dual Tire Rating, 6,610 lbs
Load Range: H
Maximum Air Pressure: 120 PSI
Cold Inflation Pressure: 110 PSI
Current Air Pressure in Tire: Tire Gauge Reading (psi), 92
Valve Extensions Installed: Yes
Tire Pressure Monitors Installed: Yes
Tire Condition:Acceptable
Tire Tread Condition:Acceptable
Curbside Outside-Tire/Wheel
Tread Depth: 19/32 inch
Tire Brand: Michelin
Tire Size: 275/80R22.5
DOT Date: Unable to Visually Verify
Load Capacity: Dual Tire Rating, 6,610 lbs
Load Range: H
Maximum Air Pressure: 120 PSI
Cold Inflation Pressure: 110 PSI
Current Air Pressure in Tire: Tire Gauge Reading (psi), 91
Valve Extensions Installed: No
Tire Pressure Monitors Installed: Yes
Tire Condition:Fair
Tire Tread Condition:Acceptable
The inspector observed weather checking on the drive axle curbside outside tire near the tread. It is recommended that the tires be inspected by a qualified tire specialist.
Streetside Outside-Drive Tire/Wheel
Tread Depth: 18/32 inch
Tire Brand: Michelin
Tire Size: 275/80R22.5
DOT Date: Visually Verified, 2821
Load Capacity: Dual Tire Rating, 6,610lbs
Load Range: H
Maximum Air Pressure: 120 PSI
Cold Inflation Pressure: 110 PSI
Current Air Pressure in Tire: Tire Gauge Reading (psi), 92
Valve Extensions Installed: No
Tire Pressure Monitors Installed: Yes
Tire Condition:Fair
Tire Tread Condition:Acceptable
Streetside Inside-Drive Tire/Wheel
Tread Depth: 18/32 inch
Tire Brand: Michelin
Tire Size: 275/80R22.5
DOT Date: Unable to Visually Verify
Load Capacity: Dual Tire Rating, 6,610 lbs
Load Range: H
Maximum Air Pressure: 120 PSI
Cold Inflation Pressure: 110 PSI
Current Air Pressure in Tire: Tire Gauge Reading (psi), 91
Valve Extensions Installed: Yes
Tire Pressure Monitors Installed: Yes
Tire Condition:Acceptable
Tire Tread Condition:Acceptable
Streetside Front-Tire/Wheel
Tread Depth: 18/32 inch
Tire Brand: Michelin
Tire Size: 275/80R22.5
DOT Date: Visually Verified, 2622
Load Capacity: Single Tire Rating, 7,160 lbs
Load Range: H
Maximum Air Pressure: 120 PSI
Cold Inflation Pressure: 110 PSI
Current Air Pressure in Tire: Tire Gauge Reading (psi), 92
Valve Extensions Installed: No
Tire Pressure Monitors Installed: Yes
Tire Condition:Fair
Tire Tread Condition:Acceptable
The inspector observed a pressure lower than 5% of the recommended cold pressure reading of the streetside front tire. This is considered a life safety issue. It is recommended that the streetside front tire tire be inflated to it's cold operating pressure by a tire specialist prior to using the coach.
The inspector observed weather checking on the curbside front tire near the tread. It is recommended that the
tires be inspected by a qualified tire specialist.
Spare Tire Rack Type: Not Present
Spare Tire Jack and Tools: Not Present
Tire Condition:Not Present
MH-Chassis and Undercarriage
-Due to insurance restrictions, the motor home can NOT be driven by the inspector. Also, due to the lack of clearance under the motor home and safety concerns, the inspector will conduct the following visual inspections from the outer perimeter of the motor home.
Chassis and Frame - Did Inspector Check for Visible Signs of Rust?: Yes, Was Rust present?:, No
Chassis and Frame - Did Inspector Check for Visible Signs of Bent or Damaged Components?: Yes, Was any present?:, No
Chassis and Frame - Did Inspector Check for Visible Signs of Excessive Wear?: Yes, Was any present:?, No
Chassis and Frame - Did Inspector Check for any Visible Signs of Excess Oil Present?: Yes, Was any Present?:, No
Running Gear - Did Inspector Check for Visible Signs of Scraping or Drag Damage?: Yes, Was any present?:, No
Running Gear - Did Inspector Check for Visible Signs of Damage from Tire Failure?: Yes, Was any present?:, No
Running Gear - Did Inspector Check for Hydraulic Hose Leaks?: Yes, Was any present?:, No
Number of Axles: Two
Front Axle Weight Rating: Listed in lbs or kg, 14,300 lbs
Drive Axle Weight Rating: Listed in lbs or kg, 23,000 lbs
Chassis and Frame Condition:Acceptable
Shock Absorber System Condition:Acceptable
Running Gear (Axles, Springs, Rims, other Components):Acceptable
Steering Components:Acceptable
MH-Engine, Radiator and Transmission
Engine Brand: Cummins
Engine HP - Model: 360 HP - ISB XT 6.7L
Engine Mileage: 1,143,3
Engine Starts: Yes
Engine Type / Location: Rear Diesel
Engine Running Condition:Acceptable
Engine Compartment Cleanness:Acceptable
Engine Oil
Last Oil Change Recorded: Factory Fill
Last Oil Filter Change Recorded: Factory
Inspect for Oil Leaks: Yes
Oil Pressure Reading: Normal
Oil Analysis Performed: No
Oil Level on Dipstick: Normal
Last Fuel Filter Change Recorded: Factory
Service Documentation Present:Acceptable
Radiator Location: Rear
Coolant Fans Accessible: Yes
Cooling Fan(s) Operational: Yes
Coolant Analysis Performed: No
Radiator Condition:Acceptable
Coolant Reservoir Condition:Acceptable
Radiator Hose Condition:Acceptable
Transmission Brand: Allison
Transmission Fluid Leaks - Inspect for: Yes
Transmission Analysis Performed: No
Transmission Oil Contaminated - Discolored: No
Transmission Fluid Level on Dipstick: Normal
Transmission Condition:Acceptable
Dash Air Conditioner Temperature Reading: Not Inspected, Too Cold too test
Dash Heater Temperature Reading: F, 128.8
Dash Radio Operational: Yes
Exhaust Leaks: No
Hitch Receiver Brand: Unknown
Hitch Weight Rating: Class 4 (up to 12,000 GTW), Other GTW : 10,000 GTW
Modifications to Hitch System: No
Hitch Connector Pin Type: 7 Pin
Hitch Receiver Condition:Acceptable
Hitch Connector Condition:Acceptable
National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) 1192 Standard for RVs, section requires - "Ball couplings .... shall be identified as complying with SAE J684". SAE 684 section 5.4 requires "Trailer couplings .... shall be permanently marked with the following information:
5.4.1 Coupling manufacturer's name, initials, or trademark.
5.4.2 Part, style, pr model number.
5.4.3 SAE coupling classification and maximum trailer GVWR.
5.4.4 Ball diameters for which coupling is designed.
The inspector was not able to discern manufacturer or capacity information from the label on the receiver hitch.
The 2021 brochure indicates that the hitch has a rating of 10,000 lbs.
MH-Leveling System
MH-Leveling System
Leveling System Type: Hydraulic
Leveling System Manufacturer: HWH
Inspect for Visible Signs of Damage: Yes
Ensure Jacks Extend and Retract Fully: Yes
Inspect for Leaks or Mechanical Issues: Yes
Leveling System Condition:Acceptable
12 Volt DC Chassis Lights
-The inspector has verified the items in this section are functional.
Front Clearance Lights:Acceptable
Rear Clearance Lights:Fair
Streetside - Marker Lights:Acceptable
Curbside - Marker Lights:Acceptable
Left Turn and Brake Light:Acceptable
Right Turn and Brake Light:Acceptable
Backup Lights:Acceptable
License Plate Light:Acceptable
Flood Lights:Acceptable
Utility Lights:Acceptable
Compartment Lights:Acceptable
Hitch Lights:Not Present
Porch Lights:Not Present
Security Lights:Acceptable
Waste Dump Lights:Acceptable
12VDC at Trailer Connector:Yes
The inspector observed gaps in the sealant on their rear clearance lights. It is recommended that this be serviced by qualified RV technician.
Electrical System 120 Volt AC and 12 Volt DC
Hot Skin Tests
Hot Skin Test - Was any Frame and Running Gear Voltage Recorded:No
Hot Skin Test - Was any Exterior Surface Voltage Recorded:No
Hot Skin Test - Was any Exterior Wall Surface Voltage Recorded:No
Hot Skin Test - Was any Door Handles and Frames Voltage Recorded:No
Hot Skin Test - Was any Window Frames and Trim Voltage Recorded:No
Hot Skin Test - Was any Other Voltage Recorded:No
No unsafe voltage over five volts was recorded.
Power Cord
Power Source: 50 Amp / 240 Volts AC
Power Cord Condition:Acceptable
Has 2021 NFPA 1192 Polarity Detection
Electrical Panel & Fuses
Inside Electrical Panel Box Condition: Acceptable
12 Volt DC Fuse Panel Box Condition: Acceptable
Fuses Condition: All Operational
Fuse Connections Condition: Good Connection
Wires and Terminals Tight: Solid Connection
Electrical Panel Box - Signs of Repair or Service:No
Electrical Panel Box - Circuit Breakers in Place:Yes
Electrical Panel Box - Wiring Secure:Yes
Electrical Panel Box - All White, Black and Ground Wires Kept Separate:Yes
Fuse Panel Box Inspected:No
Electrical Panel:
AC Outlets & GCFI
GCFI Reset Location: Rear Bedroom Closet
GCFI / Polarity / Voltage Test - Kitchen Receptacles:Yes
GCFI / Polarity / Voltage Test - Bath and Toilet Area Receptacles:Yes
GCFI / Polarity / Voltage - All Exterior Receptacles:Yes
GCFI / Polarity / Voltage Test - Receptacles Storage Bay Areas:Yes
Polarity / Voltage Test Bedroom Receptacles:Yes
Polarity / Voltage Test - Dining Area Receptacles:Yes
Polarity / Voltage Test - Living Room Receptacles:Yes
Voltage Test - USB / 12-Volt Power Ports:Yes
Power Converter
Power Converter - AC On (DC Voltage with Shore Power On): 13.22
Power Converter - AC Off (DC Voltage with Shore Power Off: 12.71
Power Converter - Verified: Acceptable
Power Converter - Did DC Voltage Drop at Least 1/2 Volts:Yes
Generator - Brand: Cummins
Generator - Model # / Serial #: From Manufacturer's Label, 110HDKCA-11506H / J1099830
Generator - Hours of Operation: 14.7
Generator - Radiator Reservoir and Hoses Condition:Acceptable
Generator - Transfer Switch:Acceptable
Generator - Voltage Output: Voltage Measured Under Load, 1VAC
Generator - Fuel Level Greater than 1/4 Tank:Yes
Generator - Starts and Runs:Yes
Generator - Tested Under Load:Yes
Generator - Radiator:Yes
Generator - Coolant Analysis Performed:No
Generator - Oil Analysis Performed:No
This coach has an automatic transfer switch (ATS). It is recommended that high load devices such as AC and heating elements be powered off as well as unplugging shore power before starting the generator.
It is recommended that a certified RV technician verifies that the cables to the generator are properly dressed so as not to bind when the generator is moved in or out.
Inverter - Brand: Magnum
Inverter - Model # / Serial #: From Build Sheet, : M512 / GJI-02019
Inverter - General Condition: Acceptable
Inverter - Voltage Output: Voltage Measured Under Load, 113.9
Inverter - Frequency Output: Frequency Measured Under Load, 60
Inverter - Inspected Cables, Wiring and Fuses:Yes
Surge Protector
Surge Protector - Brand: SurgeGuard
Surge Protector - General Condition: Acceptable
Surge Protector - Cables, Wiring and Fuses:Yes
Surge Protector:
Solar Battery Management System (BMS)
Solar Battery Management System (BMS) - Operational:Not Present
12 Volt DC Chassis Battery
12 Volt DC Chassis Battery Condition: Acceptable
12 Volt DC Chassis Battery(s) - Operational:Yes
12 Volt DC House Battery
12 Volt DC House Battery(s) - Operational:Yes
12 Volt DC House Battery(s) - Matched for Size and Age:Yes
12 Volt DC House Battery(s) - Positive and Negative Cables Matched for Load:Yes
12 Volt DC House Battery(s) - Have They Been Maintained:Yes
The inspector observed that when the battery tray is pulled out the baffle along the left side of the battery tray is catching on the cables and is moving. It is recommended that this we serviced by a qualified RV technician.
Water Systems
-Due to the inability to determine the age and quality of the water in the fresh water tank, the tank should be drained and sanitized before refilling for use.
-Due to the types of materials and waste used in the tanks and depending on previous maintenance, fresh and waste monitor sensor probes may perform inaccurately between applications due to build up.
City Water
City Water - Pressure Regulator Available:No
City Water - Connections Operate:Not Inspected
City Water - System Holds Pressure:Not Inspected
City Water System Condition:Not Inspected
City Water Connection Condition:Not Inspected
A water hose regulator was not present in the coach. High water pressure can burst your RV's pipes, cause leaks, and loosen connections within the plumbing system. It is recommended that a water hose regulator be purchased before using the coach.
On-Board Water System
On-Board Water System - Tested Fresh Water Fill: Not Inspected
On-Board Water System - Pressure System Works: Not Inspected
On-Board Water System - Pump Creates and Holds Pressure: Not Inspected
Onboard Water Filtration System:Not Inspected
On-Board Water System: Tank, Water Pump and Fixtures for Tank Fill Condition:Not Inspected
Operation and Condition of Outside Shower:Not Inspected
Operation and Condition of Kitchen Faucet:Acceptable
Not Inspected
Not Present
Operation and Condition of Bathroom Faucet:Not Inspected
Operation and Condition of Shower:Not Inspected
Operation and Condition of Toilet:Not Inspected
Black Water Tank
Black Water Tank - Valve Operates: Not Inspected
Black Water Tank - Drain Cap in Place: Yes
Black Water Tank Drain Cap Holds Waste Water Back: Not Inspected
Black Water Tank Condition:Not Inspected
Gray Water Tank
Gray Water Tank - Valve Operates: Not Inspected
Gray Water Tank - Drain Cap in Place: Yes
Gray Water Tank Condition:Not Inspected
Waste Water Sewer / Hose Fittings:Not Inspected
Monitor System
Battery Monitor Reading: Digital Reading, 12.5
LP Monitor Reading: Not Present
NOTE: The Following Readings Should be AFTER Emptying Tanks if Possible: Results of the Test
Fresh Water Tank Reading: Empty
Black Water Tank #1 Reading: Empty
Gray Water Tank #1 Reading: Empty
Battery / Waste / Water Monitor Panel Condition:Acceptable
The prospective owner was unable to connect to the Spyder interface / monitor panel via Wi-Fi. It is recommended that this interface be verified and the owner guided through the setup process.
Monitor Display:
Propane Tank, Lines and Connections
-LP Detectors have an estimated service life of 5 years after which time it is recommended they be replaced.
-CO Detectors have an estimated service life of 5 to 7 years after which time it is recommended they be replaced.
-Smoke Detectors have an estimated service life of 5 to 10 years after which time it is recommended they be replaced.
ASME Propane Tank: Not Present
ASME Tank Condition:Not Present
External Propane Port:Not Present
This coach does not have a propane system, heat and hot water is provided by the Aqua-Hot system which operates
on AC and diesel. The coach has a True Induction cooktop which operates on AC.
Combination LP /CO Detector
Combination LP / CO Detector Test Result: Pass
Combination LP / CO Detector Brand / Model: RV Safe, RVCOLP-2 / 2280335
Combination LP / CO Detector Date: Less than One Year Old, Aug 10 2021
Combination LP / CO Detector UL 1484, UL 2034 or CSA 6.19: Yes
Combination LP / CO Detector Test Method: Tested by Pushing Button and Spraying LP
Combination LP / CO Detector Alarm During Test: Yes
Combination LP / CO Detector Condition:Acceptable
The combination LP / CO detector located near the floor on the curbside near the bedroom passed the LP spray test
Smoke Detector
Smoke Detector Test Result: Pass
Smoke Detector Brand / Model: BRK / FG250RV
Smoke Detector Date: Less than One Year Old
Smoke Alarm UL 217: Yes
Smoke Detector Alarm During Test: Yes, by Pushing the Button
Smoke Detector Condition:Acceptable
The LP detector located near the cab ceiling passed the push button test.
Fire Extinguisher
Fire Extinguisher - Size: MotorHome Minimum 10 B:C Rating
Fire Extinguisher - Brand: First Alert
Fire Extinguisher - Secure in Bracket: Yes
Fire Extinguisher - Mounted within 24 Inches of Entrance Door: Yes
Fire Extinguisher - Gauge Indicates Charged State: Yes
Fire Extinguisher Condition:Fair
The fire extinguisher is not securely mounted in its bracket. It is recommended that this be serviced by qualified RV technician.
Appliances: Kitchen
-Refrigerator needs to be on for a minimum of 12 to 24 hours to be at full cooling condition. This inspection may not reveal a problem if during the inspection the refrigerator was not on for the minimum recommended time.
Refrigerator - Brand: LG
Refrigerator - Model #/ Serial #: LFCC2246S / 103KRDJ4E674
Refrigerator - Cooling Source(s): 120 Volts AC
Refrigerator - Operates on all Available Sources: Yes
Refrigerator - Type: Residential
Refrigerator - Control Panel Location: Inside Door
Refrigerator - Door Latch Secure: Yes
Refrigerator - Freezer Current Temperature: Degrees F, 1.1
Refrigerator - Odor Detectable in Freezer: No
Refrigerator - Current Refrigerator Temperature: Degrees F, 35.9
Refrigerator - Has Unit been Running 12 + Hours: No
Refrigerator - Odor Detectable in Refrigerator: No
Refrigerator - Does Inside Light Work: Yes
Refrigerator - Thermostat Sensor Control Mounted on Fins: No
Refrigerator - Thermostat Sensor Type: Not Present
Refrigerator - Recall Installed (Back of Refrigerator): Not Required
Refrigerator - Control Board:Acceptable
Refrigerator - Front Side Door Panels:Acceptable
Refrigerator - Front Side Door Frame:Acceptable
Refrigerator - Inside Freezer Walls:Acceptable
Refrigerator - Ice Maker:Fair
Refrigerator - Freezer Shelves / Door Racks:Acceptable
Refrigerator - Inside Walls:Acceptable
Refrigerator - Shelves / Door Racks:Acceptable
Refrigerator - Crisper Trays and Drawers:Acceptable
Refrigerator - Backside Cooling Coils / Proper Venting:Not Present
The inspector observed significant antifreeze in the freezer drawers.
Cooktop / Oven
Cooktop - Brand: True Induction
Cooktop - Model # / Serial #: TI-2B
Cooktop - All Burners Operate: Yes
Cooktop - Burner Ignition Source: Induction
Cooktop - All Burners Light: Yes
Cooktop - Condition:Acceptable
Cooktop - Condition of Knobs / Controls:Acceptable
Cooktop - Color of Burner Flame:Not Present
Oven - Combined With Cooktop: No
Induction cooktops requires pots and pans that are made of ferrous (meaning magnetic) materials. Check your cookware's retail box for the induction symbol. To tell if your current cookware is compatible with the induction technology, grab a magnet and see if it holds.
Microwave - Brand: LG
Microwave - Model # / Serial #: : LMVH1711ST / 105STARUF9718
Microwave - Type: Microwave / Convection
Microwave - Convection Mode - Fan Blower Comes On: Yes
Microwave - Temperature of Water after 60 Seconds: Degrees F, 122
Microwave Condition:Acceptable
Cooktop Exhaust Vent - Part of Microwave: Yes
Cooktop Exhaust Vent - Venting: Vents to Exterior
Cooktop Exhaust Vent Condition:Acceptable
Cooktop Exhaust Vent - Fan Speeds Condition:Acceptable
Dishwasher - Racks and Wash Bars Condition:Not Present
Dishwasher - Hoses and Connection Condition:Not Present
Appliances: Other
Water Heater
Water Heater - Brand: Aqua Hot
Water Heater - Model # / Serial #: 250D / A250-215234
Water Heater - Type: Hydronic Heating System
Water Heater - Heat Source(s): Diesel, Electric
Water Heater - Operates on all Sources: Yes
Water Heater - Type of Ignition: Direct Spark (DSI)
Water Heater - Leaks at Pressure Relief Valve: Not Visible
Water Heater - Bypass Valves in Correct Position: Not Visible to the Inspector
Hydronic Coolant Analysis Performed: No
Water Heater - Condition of Burner Assembly Area:Acceptable
Furnace - Brand: Aqua Hot
Furnace - Model # / Serial #: 250D / A250-215234
Furnace - Operates: Yes
Furnace - Floor Vents Blocked or Covered: No
Furnace - Warm Air Discharge Out of Vents - Proper Return Air Flow: Yes
Furnace Air Intake / Exhaust Area Condition:Acceptable
Washer / Dryer
Washer / Dryer - Type: Single Units
Washer - Brand: SPELENDIDE
Washer - Model # / Serial #: WFL130XD / 562116024567
Washer - Operational: Yes
Washer - Signs of Leaks: No
Dryer - Brand: SPELENDIDE
Dryer - Model # / Serial #: DV6400X / 106232387
Dryer - Operational: Yes
Washer / Dryer - Condition:Acceptable
Washer / Dryer - Vent Condition:Acceptable
In-House Vacuum System
In-House Vacuum System - Brand: INTERVAC
In-House Vacuum System - Model # / Serial #: RoadVac RV120 / Serial number not visible
In-House Vacuum System - Operational: Yes
In-House Vacuum System - Condition of Unit / Accessories / Bag:Acceptable
Electric Fireplace
Electric Fireplace - Brand: DC Dimplex
Electric Fireplace - Results of Operation: All Features Work
Electric Fireplace Condition:Acceptable
Ceiling Fan
Ceiling Fan - Operation: All Features Work
Ceiling Fan - Condition Motor and Blades:Acceptable
Appliances: Air Conditioners
-The Delta-T average acceptable performance range is 14 to 22 degrees (8 to 12 degrees C). In high humidity areas the range ma be lower, 12 to 16 degrees F (7 to 9 degrees C) and in desert areas it may be higher 23 to 26 degrees F (13 to 15 degrees C).
Air Conditioners - Front
Air Conditioner - Brand: Coleman
Air Conditioner - Model # / Serial #: 47024B679 / 210440040
Air Conditioner - Thermostatic Controls: Dual with Furnace
Air Conditioner - Options: Heat Pump
Air Conditioner - Delta-T: Not Inspected, Too Cold to Test
Air Conditioner Condition:Not Inspected
Air Conditioner - Filter Condition:Not Inspected
Airconditioner - Exhaust Condition:Acceptable
At the time of the inspection the outside temperature was below 40 degrees and therefor the AC(s) were not tested and Delta-T data was not collected. It is recommended that the AC be tested when the outside temperature is above 60 degrees.
The inspector was not able to verify that the serial number listed on the build sheet matches the serial number of the front AC unit.
Air Conditioners - Center
Air Conditioner - Brand: Coleman
Air Conditioner - Model # / Serial #: 47024B679 / 210440089
Air Conditioner - Thermostatic Controls: Dual with Furnace
Air Conditioner - Options: Heat Pump, No option on panel to enable heat pump
Air Conditioner - Delta-T: Degrees F, Too cold to test
Air Conditioner Condition:Not Inspected
Air Conditioner - Filter Condition:Not Inspected
Airconditioner - Exhaust Condition:Acceptable
The model number of the center AC (47024B679) indicates that this is a heat pump model. The Monitor panel does not appear to allow operation of the center AC in heat pump mode.
At the time of the inspection the outside temperature was below 40 degrees and therefor the AC(S) were not tested and Delta-T data was not collected. It is recommended that the AC be tested when the outside temperature is above 60 degrees.
The inspector was not able to verify that the serial number listed on the build sheet matches the serial number of the center AC unit.
Air Conditioners - Rear
Air Conditioner - Brand: Coleman
Air Conditioner - Model # / Serial #: 47024B679 / 210440037
Air Conditioner - Thermostatic Controls: Dual with Furnace
Air Conditioner - Options: Heat Pump
Air Conditioner - Delta-T: Not Inspected, Too cold to test
Air Conditioner Condition:Not Inspected
Air Conditioner - Filter Condition:Not Inspected
Airconditioner - Exhaust Condition:Acceptable
) At the time of the inspection the outside temperature was below 40 degrees and therefor the AC(S) were not tested and Delta-T data was not collected. It is recommended that the AC be tested when the outside temperature is above 60 degrees.
The inspector was not able to verify that the serial number listed on the build sheet matches the serial number of the rear AC unit.
The inspector has verified the items in this section.
Photos & RV Manuals
Interior Photos:Yes
RV Manuals Present:Yes
Evidence of Animals:No
Odor Detected in RV:No
The inspector observed that the serial number of the single documented AC in the owner's manual does not match
any of the AC units listed on the build sheet.
Ceiling Inspected:Yes
Ceiling - Panels Loose:No
Ceiling - Discoloration or Stains:No
Ceiling - Trim Work Missing or Damaged:No
Ceiling Vents and Skylights - Thermostatic Controls and Switches Work:Yes
Ceiling Vents - All 12 Volt DC Fans Operate:Yes
Ceiling Vents - All 120 Volt AC Fans Operate:Not Present
Ceiling Vents and Skylights - Stains Around Roof Vents and Skylights:No
Lights and Light Fixtures - Do all Lights Function:Yes
Lights and Light Fixtures - Wall Mounted Light Fixtures:Not Present
Lights and Light Fixtures - Rope Lights:Not Present
Lights and Light Fixtures - Spot Lights:Yes
Lights and Light Fixtures - Floor Lights:Not Present
Lights and Light Fixtures - Entry Lights inside RV:Yes
Lights and Light Fixtures - Missing or Broken Lenses:No
Lights and Light Fixtures - Missing Shades or Broken Covers:No
Lights and Light Fixtures - Condition:Acceptable
Walls Inspected:Yes
Walls - Panels Loose:No
Walls - Water Damage Wall Panels:No
Walls - Panels Discolored or Stained:No
Walls - Soft Spots on Walls:No
Walls - Trim Work on Walls:No
Walls - Damage Repairs Performed:No
Walls - Holes or Wall Repairs:No
Walls - Condition:Acceptable
Walls - Interior Doors Condition:Acceptable
Closets / Pantries Inspected:Yes
Closets and Pantries - Door Damage / Scratches:No
Closets and Pantries - Wood Rot or Broken:No
Closets and Pantries - Condition:Fair
The inspector observed a hole behind the dinette lower rear cabinet. It is recommended that this be service by
qualified RV technician.
The left hinge of the right cabinet above the bedroom emergency exit window is loose and moves. It is
recommended that this be serviced by qualified our view technician.
The left hinge of the center cabinet above the emergency exit window is loose and moves. It is recommended
that this be serviced by qualified RV technician.
The left hinge of the left cabinet above the emergency exit window is loose and moves. It is recommended that
this be serviced by qualified RV technician.
The inspector observed that the front bedside cabinet of the rear curbside slide out has gaps and is improperly
finished. It is recommended that this be serviced by a qualified RV technician.
The inspector observed that the bedroom streetside drawer under the emergency window is not attached to the glides. It is recommended that this be serviced by a qualified RV technician.
The inspector observed that the lower cabinet between the sink and fridge has an issue with a slide. It is recommended that this be serviced by qualified RV technician.
The inspector observed poor workmanship on the curbside rear slide out front cabinet top. It is recommended that
this be serviced by qualified RV technician.
Windows, Blinds and Shades
Windows - All Windows Operational:Yes
Windows - Emergency Exit Windows Installed:Yes
Windows - Emergency Exit Windows Operational:No
Blinds and Shades - Installed:Yes
Blinds and Shades - Operational:Yes
Windows - Condition:Acceptable
Blinds and Shades - Condition:Acceptable
The inspector was unable to open the emergency window in the bedroom area with reasonable force as required by the NFPA-1192 which states; 'No more than 20-lb of force (89 N) shall be required to open a means of escape.' It is recommended that this be service by a qualified RV technician before occupying the coach as this is a life safety issue.
The customer was able to open the window by adding more force to open the window.
The inspector was unable to open the emergency window in the living room area with reasonable force as required by the NFPA-1192 which states; 'No more than 20-lb of force (89 N) shall be required to open a means of escape.' It is recommended that this be service by a qualified RV technician before occupying the coach as this is a life safety issue.
The inspector observed a large gap in the front of the driver's curbside window. It is recommended that this be serviced by qualified RV technician.
The inspector observed a gap between the window and screen on the emergency exit window. It is recommended that this be serviced by the qualified RV technician.
Flooring - Sheet Vinyl:Not Inspected
Flooring - Carpet:Yes
Flooring - Ceramic Tile:Not Present
Flooring - Tile - Other:Yes
Flooring - Floor Panels Loose:No
Flooring - Floor Covering Discolored or Stained:No
Flooring - Water Damage:No
Flooring - Carpet Worn:No
Flooring - Sheet Vinyl Stained:Not Present
Flooring - Soft Spots in Floor:No
Flooring - Previous Repairs Performed:No
Flooring - Condition:Acceptable
Kitchen Sink
Kitchen Sink - Style: Double Bowl
Kitchen Sink - Type: Stainless
Kitchen Counter Top Damage:No
Kitchen Sink - Faucet Working:Yes
Kitchen Sink - Faucet Leaks at Stem:No
Kitchen Sink - Water Damage Under Sink:No
Kitchen Sink - P-Trap Holds Water:Yes
Kitchen Sink - Condition:Acceptable
Toilet - Type: Gravity Flush
Toilet - Water Leaks:No
Toilet - Indication of Previous Damage or Repair:No
Toilet - Bowl Holds:Yes
Toilet - Mounting Problems:No
Operation and Condition of Toilet:Fair
The inspector observed that the toilet seat cannot be raised as it interferes with the wall. It is recommended that this
be serviced by qualified RV technician.
Shower / Tub - Style: Shower Stall
Shower / Tub - Stains in Stall / Tub:No
Shower / Tub - Water Damage or Leaks:No
Shower / Tub - Glass Doors:Yes
Shower / Tub - Soap Dish in Place:Yes
Shower / Tub - Door Latching Function:Yes
Shower / Tub - Towel Racks in Place:Yes
Shower / Tub - Curtain with Rod:Not Present
Shower / Tub - Condition:Acceptable
Shower / Tub - Door and Frame and Seals Condition:Acceptable
Operation and Condition of Shower:Not Inspected
Bathroom Sink
Bathroom Sink - Style: Single Bowl
Bathroom Sink - Type: Porcelain
Bathroom Sink - Faucet Working:Yes
Bathroom Sink - Faucet leaks at Stem:No
Bathroom Sink - Water Damage Under Sink:No
Bathroom Sink - P-Trap Holds Water:Yes
Bathroom Sink - Holds Water:Yes
Bathroom Sink - Hot and Cold Water Available:Yes
Bathroom Sink - Condition:Fair
The inspector of observed a spot of antifreeze under the rear bathroom sink. It is recommended that this be serviced
by a qualified RV technician.
Bathroom Sink #2
Bathroom Sink - Style: Single Bowl
Bathroom Sink - Type: Porcelain
Bathroom Sink - Faucet Working:Yes
Bathroom Sink - Faucet leaks at Stem:No
Bathroom Sink - Water Damage Under Sink:No
Bathroom Sink - P-Trap Holds Water:Yes
Bathroom Sink - Holds Water:Yes
Bathroom Sink - Hot and Cold Water Available:Yes
Bathroom Sink - Condition:Acceptable
Chairs Inspected:Yes
Chairs - Fabric Tears or Separation:No
Chairs - Fabric Tears or Separation:No
Chairs - Fabric Discolored or Stains:No
Chairs - Signs of Excess Wear:No
Chairs - Condition:Acceptable
Sofa(s) Inspected:Yes
Sofa - Fabric Tears or Separation:No
Sofa - Fabric Discolored or Stains :No
Sofa - Signs of Excess Wear:No
Sofa - Water Damage:No
Sofa - Condition:Acceptable
Dinette / Table / Chairs
Dinette / Table / Chairs - Inspected:Yes
Dinette / Table / Chairs - Fabric Tears or Separation:No
Dinette / Table / Chairs - Fabric Discolored or Stains:No
Dinette / Table / Chairs - Sign of Excess Wear:No
Dinette / Table / Chairs - Water Damage:No
Dinette / Table / Chairs - Previous Repairs:No
Dinette / Table / Chairs - Condition:Acceptable
Beds Inspected:Yes
Beds - Fabric Tears or Seperation:No
Beds - Fabric Discolored or Stains:No
Beds - Signs of Excess Wear:No
Beds - Pillow Top Mattress:Yes
Beds - Bed Covers:Yes
Beds - Covers Match Decor:Yes
Beds - Condition:Acceptable
Cabinets / Dressers Inspected:Yes
Cabinets / Dressers - Types of Hinges: Hidden
Cabinets / Dressers - Door Damage or Scratches:No
Cabinets / Dressers - Counter Top Damage or Scratches:No
Cabinets / Dresser - Wood Rot or Broken:No
Cabinets / Dressers - Drawer Damage or Scatches:No
Cabinets / Dressers - Condition:Fair
The electric equipment shelf under the bedroom TV is not level, 6" inches on the left, 6.5" on the right side. It is recommended that
this be serviced by qualified our new technician.
The inspector observed that the bedroom streetside drawer under the emergency window is not attached to the
glides. It is recommended that this be serviced by a qualified RV technician.
The inspector observed that the lower cabinet between the sink and refrigerator has an issue with a slide. It is
recommended that this be serviced by qualified RV technician.
Safe Inspected:Not Present
Safe - Condition:Not Present
TV - Front
Unit - Brand: LG
Unit - Model # / Serial #: 43UP8000PUR / 104MXBP3V317
Antenna Power Booster Operates: Yes
Remotes Operational: Yes
Unit Works Properly:Yes
Unit Cleaned and Maintained:Yes
Unit Properly Mounted and Secured:Yes
TV - Living Room
Unit - Brand: LG
Unit - Model # / Serial #: 43UP8000PUR / 103MXBP47037
Remotes Operational: Yes
Unit Works Properly:Yes
Unit Cleaned and Maintained:Yes
Unit Properly Mounted and Secured:Yes
TV - Bedroom
Unit - Brand: LG
Unit - Model # / Serial #: 43UP8000PUR / 103MXJX6L316
Remotes Operational: Yes
Unit Works Properly:Yes
Unit Cleaned and Maintained:Yes
Unit Properly Mounted and Secured:Yes
TV - Exterior
Unit - Brand: LG
Unit - Model # / Serial #: 32LM577BPUA / 108MXGL2U695
Remotes Operational: Yes
Unit Cleaned and Maintained:Yes
Unit Properly Mounted and Secured:Yes
Blue-Ray DVD Player
Unit - Brand: LG
Unit - Model # / Serial #: MFL71685925
Unit Works Properly:Yes
Unit Cleaned and Maintained:Yes
Unit Properly Mounted and Secured:No
The inspector observed that the Blu-ray DVD player is not securely mounted. It is recommended that this be
serviced by a qualified RV technician.
Sound Bar
Unit - Brand: JBL
Unit Works Properly:Yes
Unit Cleaned and Maintained:Yes
Unit Properly Mounted and Secured:Yes
Satellite Dish
Unit - Brand: Winegard
Unit - Model # / Serial #: RoadTrip T4
Unit Works Properly:Yes
Unit Cleaned and Maintained:Yes
Unit Properly Mounted and Secured:Not Inspected
The inspector was unable to test the satellite dish and receiver. It is recommended that satellite service be
configured and the operation of a satellite system verified.
Dash Radio
Unit Brand: Kenwood
Antenna Power Booster Operates: DNX775RV5 / 126X0237
Unit Works Properly:Yes
Unit Cleaned and Maintained:Yes
Unit Properly Mounted and Secured:Yes
Satellite Receiver
Unit - Brand: Dish
Unit - Model # / Serial #: Wally HD
Unit Works Properly:Not Inspected
Unit Cleaned and Maintained:Yes
Unit Properly Mounted and Secured:No
The inspector observed that the satellite receiver in the bedroom is not securely mounted. It is recommended that
this be serviced by a qualified RV technician.
Report Attachments
ATTENTION: This inspection report is incomplete without reading the information included herein at these links/attachments. Note If you received a printed version of this page and did not receive a copy of the report through the internet please contact your inspector for a printed copy of the attachments.