The Scope and Purpose
This is just my opinion and just for you
The contents of this report are for the sole use of the Sample Roof Consultation and no other person or party may rely on this report for any reason or purpose whatsoever without the prior written consent of the author of the report. Any person or party who chooses to rely on this report for any reason or purpose whatsoever without my express written consent does so at their own risk and by doing so waives any claim of error or deficiency in this report.
Construction techniques and standards vary. There is no one way to build a house or install a system in a house. The observations in this report are my opinions based on my many years of construction training and experience. Other inspectors, consultants, and contractors are likely to have differing opinions. You are welcome and encouraged to seek opinions from other professionals in the context of doing your due diligence.
When the definitions of terms used in this report are not obvious through context, refer to the legal definitions used in modern building standards and/or manufacturer instructions.
While AI might be used for clarification and to check and clean up grammar, it is not used to generate technical information found in this report, which instead is based on applicable codes, manufacturer's instructions and other applicable standards.
The scope of this consultation
The consultation and report performed at 24 Big Street, Big Town, Washington on 2021-10-07 are intended to provide the client with information regarding the condition of the contracted components and nothing more.
You are encouraged to obtain competitive estimates for any repairs needed. Safety and health issues should be addressed promptly. It is recommended that all corrective work, other than routine maintenance activities, be performed by qualified licensed contractors.
In this report, comments will be made as to the presence or absence of components or parts of components. This must not be construed to mean that these components or parts of components exist (or don't exist) in concealed areas or behind finished surfaces. For example: if foundation bolting was seen in one area, it does not mean that the bolting exists (or doesn't exist) in areas that are concealed. Also if an item was noted as "not being visible," that should not be construed to mean that none of whatever was "not visible" does not exist on the premises---it just means none was noted at the time of the consultation and should be seen as a "heads-up" that the concern or condition might be present but hidden, or that the conditions that would allow its presence to be known was not replicated at the time of the consultation.
❗In the report I may make recommendations as to possible repairs. These recommendations are not intended to be substitutes or construed to be more appropriate than the recommendations of the professionals making the repairs. Conflicts in recommendations should be resolved prior to repairs being made.
Who should make repairs and what should their qualifications be?
Worker qualifications: In the text of the report, in some instances, I recommend that work be done by a "qualified" persons or "qualified" parties. I consider qualified parties, in licensed trades, to be those individuals who hold the necessary licenses to legally work in their profession -- licensed electricians, licensed pest control applicators, licensed plumbers, licensed HVAC professionals, licensed engineers, licensed general contractors, etc. In instances where a task may not, typically, need to be done by a person with a professional license, my recommendation is to hire an individual to do the work who is, based on past training, experience or expertise, qualified to further evaluate the condition or problem listed in the report and to then make appropriate repairs.
For additional fees, I can perform invasive inspection of concealed areas if desired. All invasive investigation requires written approval from the client and additional fees, where necessary, will be agreed upon prior to such work. Minor probing of surfaces, whether by sharp instrument or moisture meter, will be allowed per initialing of the consulting contract. Repairs of all damage resulting from either minor invasive investigation or extensive intrusive investigation shall be the responsibility of the client.
☢️Environmental/Mold Exclusions
The reported or actual health effects of many potentially harmful, toxic or environmentally hazardous elements that may be found in building materials or in the air, soil, water in and/or around any house are varied, and, in some cases controversial. The consultation does not include the detection, identification or analysis of any such elements or related concerns such as, but not limited to, mold, allergens, legal/illegal drugs and other biological contaminants, radon, , bed bugs, cockroaches, fleas, lice, formaldehyde, asbestos, lead, electromagnetic fields, carbon monoxide, insecticides, Chinese drywall, refrigerants and fuel oils. Furthermore, no evaluations are performed to determine the effectiveness or appropriateness of any method or system (e.g., water filter, radon mitigation, etc.), designed to prevent or remove any hazardous or unwanted materials or elements. An environmental health specialist should be contacted for evaluation of any potential health or environmental concerns. The noting of the presence of materials commonly considered to contain asbestos, formaldehyde, lead, mold etc, should not be construed to mean the inspector is inspecting for these things but instead should be seen as a "heads-up" regarding these materials and further evaluation by qualified professionals may be warranted.
💧Moisture meters used
Throughout the report, reference may be made to moisture conditions and percentages of moisture content. These moisture readings are obtained by the use of a Protimeter, Surveymaster Moisture Meter or the Extech MO55 or the Tramex MEP. Generally, moisture meters are used "qualitatively" as opposed to "quantitatively." This means the amounts of moisture indicated by meters are meant to be indicative of "differences" as compared to likely dryer areas. False positives are common and not possible to eliminate entirely. They are used to provide guidance in investigations.
I routinely use infrared cameras where likely to be helpful but typically only qualitatively, so specific temperatures captured by the camera should not be seen as a quantitative analysis of surfaces but only used as a guide to thermal differences that would then be verified visually, by moisture meter or more invasive investigation.
Your participation is requested
Your presence is requested during this consultation. A written report will not substitute for all the possible information that can be conveyed verbally by a shared visual observation of the conditions of the property. If you were not present, you are urged to contact me for a verbal consultation. I am happy to do a zoom meetup to go through areas of concern in the report. If you choose not to be present or to contact me after, I cannot be responsible for misinterpretation of the report.
How to Read This Report
Getting the Information to You
The best way to get the layers of information that are presented in this report is to read your report online, which will allow you to expand your learning about your house. You will notice some words or series of words highlighted in blue and underlined – clicking on these will provide you with a link to additional information.
For the most reliable viewing experience, I recommend viewing the report on as large a screen as practical. Much detail can be lost on small devices like smart phones. For similar reasons, reports should only be printed in color to retain as much detail as possible and minimize misinterpretation.
This report can also be printed on paper or to a PDF document right from inside the report itself.
Observation Labels
All narrative observations are colored, numbered and labeled to help you find, refer to, and understand the severity of the observation. Observation colors and labels used in this report are as follows:
- Repair/Replace Item:Repair and maintenance items noted during inspection. Please note that some repair items can be expensive to correct such as re-finishing hardwood floors, but are considered simply repair items due to their cosmetic nature.
- 🚩:Detailed description of various aspects of the property with an aspect of safety present.
- Conducive Conditions:Detailed description of various aspects of the property related to wood destroying organisms and/or conducive conditions.
- 🐞:General information related to Wood Destroying Organisms or conducive conditions
🌻The inspection findings are summarized below. They are generally listed by importance with substantial safety hazard at the top in red or orange, but also organized by the trade that will be called to address the issue. These can be life safety hazards or issues that could result in a major short-term expense to correct or possible significant expense in the future if not addressed. This summary is not a complete listing of the findings in the report and reflects the opinion of the inspector. It should be considered highly likely there will be other issues you would like in the summary, and you should add these as desired. Please review all of the report pages. All repairs must be done by the applicable qualified, licensed & bonded trades or professionals. I recommend obtaining receipts and warranties for the work done (including copies of any necessary permits). 🌻 Many of these Narrative comments in the Summary have pictures and web links that better clarify the issues. Please refer to their place in the report body for additional clarification/information. Lack of information under any given component only means that, in my opinion, there was nothing in the body of the report that warranted posting it to the Summary. There will certainly be valuable information under each applicable component in the body of the report.REPAIR/REPLACE ITEMS
- R-1 ROOF:
The roof surface is approaching the end of its useful life and no longer adequately protects the home from damage from the elements in many areas I recommend replacement of the roof by a qualified roofing contractor. I recommend obtaining estimates as to costs of replacement and any associated repairs that might be necessary in conjunction with the replacement. The pictures below document some of the concerns related to this roof and should not be construed to mean there are no other conditions that need to be addressed. Hidden damage is common with failed roofs. All underlying structures should be evaluated and repaired as deemed necessary in the context of the roof replacement. I recommend factoring replacement of the roof within 5 years. There are many areas of the lower levels of the roof where the shingles have considerable granular loss consistent with factory defects as the failure is very consistent and not consistent with either exposure or mechanical damage. No determination is made as to whether this condition meets the requirements of any warranty that may remain related to the shingles.
- Holes through roof
- Damaged ridge cap
- Possibly consistent with pre-mature failure of roof. The condition of the roof may be premature failure of the roof surface consistent with factory defects or other causes. I am unable to determine if these are shingles that were part of any recall. A full evaluation of the roof by a qualified roofing contractor to determine how much longer the roof will be satisfactory and/or provide an estimate for repairs/replacement is warranted.
- Granular loss throughout the lower roof surface
- Very steep roofs often suffer Some mechanical damage
🛑 Safety 🔨Repair 🔧 Maintenance ➕ Upgrade 👁🗨 Monitor annually 🔍 Due Diligence 🐞 WDO’s
The Full Report
General Property Info
Building Characteristics / Inspection Conditions
Type of Building: Single Family 2 story
🕔Inspection Start Time: 10:00 am
Finish Time: 11:00 am
Total Time: 1 hoiur
👨👦👦 Those present at the property at the time of Inspection: Owner
Weather during the inspection: ☀️Clear
🌡️Approximate temperature during the inspection: 60° F ± 5°
Days since last significant precipitation: The day prior to inspection
General Info
Building Characteristics / Conditions
Suggested Repairs and Re-inspections:
GENERAL RECOMMENDATIONS: When repairs are made on the home, I recommend that I be called back to verify that corrections have been satisfactorily made. A minimum assessment of $250.00 will be charged for each Work Order Evaluation Inspection that is requested and performed. Additional charges will accrue for anything in writing, beyond an email response, and for evaluations at more than 20 miles travel time--these costs to be agreed upon at the time of the request for further evaluation. REMEDIAL WORK – For any element or condition requiring attention, quotes should be obtained prior to closing from qualified specialists or contractors to determine actual repair/replacement costs. Any cost estimates provided, whether oral or written, represent only an approximation of possible costs. Also, any cost estimates do not reflect all possible remedial needs or costs for the property; latent concerns or consequential damage may exist. If the need for remedial work develops or is uncovered after the inspection, contact Charles Buell Inspections, Inc. to arrange an inspection to assess conditions prior to performing any repairs.
- Any suggestions of how something might be corrected is done as a courtesy and is based on my experience. It should not be construed to mean these suggestions are the only way to make repairs, the best way to make repairs, or even the wholly correct way to make repairs. Other factors not seen at the time of inspection can result in other requirements etc. The qualified parties hired to make the repairs should be relied upon for their solutions as they will be the ones liable for them and should be in the best position to determine the best course of action.
There are many things that can be done to improve safety and living conditions within any home. While many of these issues come to light in the course of the Standard Home Inspection there are likely to be other things that can be done to improve the home. Additional information can be found at: Center for Healthy Living
🔍 Due Diligence
Codes, Standards and Manufacturer's instructions:
CODES & STANDARDS GENERAL GUIDANCE: This inspection and report are not intended for city / local code compliance. During the construction process, depending on the age of the home, structures are inspected for code compliance by municipal inspectors. Framing is open at this time and conditions can be fully viewed. Framing is not open during inspections of finished homes, and this limits the inspection. All houses fall out of code compliance shortly after they are built, as the codes continually change. National codes are typically adjusted every three years for all of the varying disciplines. Municipalities can choose to adopt and phase in sections of the codes on their own timetables. There are generally no requirements to bring older homes into compliance unless substantial renovation is being done. That said, most recommendations get guidance from codes, manufacturer's instructions and other authoritative sources.
In the report there may be instances where specific building codes, other standards and manufacturer's instructions may be specifically quoted. This in no way should be construed to mean this inspection is a code compliance inspection or that all manufacturer's instructions are known or checked. These instances are only provided as a courtesy in assisting with specific instances. There may be other exceptions to these examples that are also applicable and a full evaluation by the appropriate trade is recommended.
📝 Informational note 🔍 Due Diligence
🧀 Mold or what appears to be mold:
GENERAL INFORMATION ABOUT MOLD: The Standard Home Inspection does not attempt to identify whether the type of Mold or what looks like Mold seen on the premises are of types considered to have adverse health effects. Concerns regarding the toxicity of Mold is deferred to qualified Industrial Hygienists who should be contacted regarding any concerns that you might have about Mold found on the property. Small areas under 10 square feet can typically be cleaned up by the building owner. Please see the information below regarding Mold from the EPA.
It is not uncommon for concerns related to reported mold, or what looks like mold, to be raised by other parties, that may not be consistent with my recommendations in this report, and this should be anticipated. It is beyond the scope of this inspection to referee these differences of opinion but doing one's due diligence to your satisfaction is advised. The testing and remediation industry is rife with false/misleading information, and junk science done without credible metrics, proffered by those with no Industrial Hygienist credentials.
Mold (a type of fungus) is a wood inhabiting organism, not a wood destroying organism.
Ten Things You Should Know About Mold (from the EPA): (Orange is my editorializing)
1. Potential health effects and symptoms associated with mold exposures include allergic reactions, asthma, and other respiratory complaints. (These reactions can be seen as the bodies way of telling you to get out of that environment---that something is wrong.)
2. There is no practical way to eliminate all mold and mold spores in the indoor environment; the way to control indoor mold growth is to control moisture. (Find the moisture issue and fix it.)
3. If mold is a problem in your home or school, you must clean up the mold and eliminate sources of moisture.
4. Fix the source of the water problem or leak to prevent mold growth.
5. Reduce indoor humidity (to 30-60% ) to decrease mold growth by: venting bathrooms, dryers, and other moisture-generating sources to the outside; using air conditioners and de-humidifiers; increasing ventilation; and using exhaust fans whenever cooking, dish-washing, and cleaning.
6. Clean and dry any damp or wet building materials and furnishings within 24-48 hours to prevent mold growth.
7. Clean mold off hard surfaces with water and detergent, and dry completely. Absorbent materials such as ceiling tiles, that are moldy, may need to be replaced.
8. Prevent condensation: Reduce the potential for condensation on cold surfaces (i.e., windows, piping, exterior walls, roof, or floors) by adding insulation.
9. In areas where there is a perpetual moisture problem, do not install carpeting (i.e., by drinking fountains, by classroom sinks, or on concrete floors with leaks or frequent condensation).
10. Molds can be found almost anywhere; they can grow on virtually any substance, providing moisture is present. There are molds that can grow on wood, paper, carpet, and foods.
Information from the EPA on MOLD.
The following link is a very good "practical" video about dealing with mold in the home: NW Clean Air Agency,
The following link is a very good source for the most current information regarding mold in the home: Health Effects of Indoor Mold,
🛑 Safety 🔧 Maintenance (as needed) 👁🗨 Monitor (ongoing) 🐞 WDO’s 🔍 Due Diligence
Roof General Information
Roof Inspection: Walked on
Roof Configuration: Hip, Gable dormers
Dimensional Composition Shingles
Dimensional Composition Installation: conditions
Dimensional Composition Shingles: 25-35 year life span
"Guesstimate" of age: 15 - 20 years old
Method of Shingle Attachment/Sealing: 3/8" head nails present--means of shingle attachment, Tabs sealed where checked
The roof surface is approaching the end of its useful life and no longer adequately protects the home from damage from the elements in many areas I recommend replacement of the roof by a qualified roofing contractor. I recommend obtaining estimates as to costs of replacement and any associated repairs that might be necessary in conjunction with the replacement. The pictures below document some of the concerns related to this roof and should not be construed to mean there are no other conditions that need to be addressed. Hidden damage is common with failed roofs. All underlying structures should be evaluated and repaired as deemed necessary in the context of the roof replacement. I recommend factoring replacement of the roof within 5 years. There are many areas of the lower levels of the roof where the shingles have considerable granular loss consistent with factory defects as the failure is very consistent and not consistent with either exposure or mechanical damage. No determination is made as to whether this condition meets the requirements of any warranty that may remain related to the shingles.
- Holes through roof
- Damaged ridge cap
- Possibly consistent with pre-mature failure of roof. The condition of the roof may be premature failure of the roof surface consistent with factory defects or other causes. I am unable to determine if these are shingles that were part of any recall. A full evaluation of the roof by a qualified roofing contractor to determine how much longer the roof will be satisfactory and/or provide an estimate for repairs/replacement is warranted.
- Granular loss throughout the lower roof surface
- Very steep roofs often suffer Some mechanical damage
🛑 Safety 🔨Repair 🔧 Maintenance ➕ Upgrade 👁🗨 Monitor annually 🔍 Due Diligence 🐞 WDO’s
🐞Wood Destroying Insects, Fungi and Conducive Conditions
Washington State Rules and information related to WDO's:
In accordance with the provisions of the Revised Code of Washington (RAW) 15.58.450, this report relates to a single sale, transfer, exchange, or refinance and is not transferable to and may not be relied upon by parties involved in any subsequent sale, transfer, exchange, or refinance of the same property.
The findings listed within this report are determined by the inspector based on a visual inspection conducted in accordance with Washington Administrative Code (WAC) 16-228-2005 through 2045 and are subject to the limitations within this report, the standards listed below, and as modified by any and all associated reports attached.
This inspector endeavors to perform their services in a professional manner consistent with the care and skill ordinarily exercised by structural pest inspection professionals. This inspector will re-perform any services not meeting this standard without additional compensation.
For every inspection, a "site-plan" diagram can be prepared detailing the locations of Wood Destroying Organism issues. WAC 16-228-2045 requires that a diagram be prepared for WDO Inspection Reports. A copy is available upon request.
🛑 Safety 🔧 Maintenance (as needed) 👁🗨 Monitor annually 🐞 WDO’s 🔍 Due Diligence 📝 Informational note
Receipt -- The Full Report
24 Big Street, Big Town, Washington
Inspection with digital report | $450.00 |
-$NaN | |
Charles Buell Consulting LLC
17123 22nd Ave NE
Shoreline , WA 98155