Company Information

Charles Buell Consulting LLC



206 478-7371

Inspected By:

Charles Buell Consulting
ICN# 11460AQ008

Wood Destroying Organisms

This report includes a structural pest inspection embedded within the report. All observations in this report that begin with WDO are a part of a WA State Pest Inspection. Charles Buell Consulting LLC employs Charles Buell Consulting, Licensed Structural Pest Inspector ##. Please note that most WDO observations are related to high moisture conditions that could be conducive to mold-like substances. Charles Buell Consulting LLC is not a mold specialist and recommends consulting with an industrial hygienist or other mold remediation expert if concerned about mold or indoor air quality.Pest Inspection Standards in Washington State - WAC 16-228-2045 - REQUIRES THAT A DIAGRAM / DRAWING BE PREPARED FOR WOOD DESTROYING ORGANISM (WDO) REPORTS. IF THE PHOTOS AND DESCRIPTIONS IN THIS REPORT ARE INADEQUATE, A DRAWING IS AVAILABLE UPON REQUEST.



  • P-2 🚿PLUMBING:


    There were issues documented below in bulleted lists, narratives, and/or pictures related to the Water Supply Plumbing. The below conditions should be evaluated, repaired and maintained as deemed necessary by a licensed plumber.


    • Piercing valves present. Piercing valves or saddle fittings were noted on the supply piping system. These are frequently used to deliver water to the refrigerator or ice maker. These types of plumbing connections are prone to leaking/failure. As an upgrade, I recommend installation of a more reliable "T" with shut-off. Typically these valves, even while readily available and commonly used, have no "listing" for use in water supply systems.
    • the piercing valve for the hot water tap was located under the kitchen sink.


    • green corrosion on joints typical of flux, considered cosmetic
    • 🚩Possibility of pipes with Leaded Solder. The information immediately below regarding copper piping can be ignored if it can be determined that the piping was replaced after 1986 (typically). Into the late 1980's copper pipe connections were soldered with solder containing some lead. Most water supplies are not considered corrosive enough (either too acidic or too alkaline) to release the lead into the water so as to pose a health risk. Only testing of the water by an EPA certified lab can determine the presence of lead. Lead is a known health hazard, especially for children. Laws were passed in 1985 prohibiting the use of lead in solder, but prior to that solder normally contained lead. Evaluating for the presence of lead in this structure is not included in this inspection. The client (s) should consider having a qualified lab test for lead, and if necessary take steps to reduce or remove lead from the water supply, including:
    • 1. Flush water taps or faucets. Do not drink water that has been sitting in the plumbing lines for more than six hours.
    • 2. Install appropriate filters at points of use.
    • 3. Use only cold water for cooking and drinking. Hot water dissolves lead more quickly than cold water.
    • 4. Use bottled or distilled water.
    • 5. Treat well water to make it less corrosive.
    • 6. Replace plumbing pipes
    • Additional information can be found at:


    • not insulated


    • not insulated

    🛑 Safety 🔧 Maintenance (annual) 👁‍🗨 Monitor annually 🔍 Due Diligence

  • P-3 🚿PLUMBING:


    There were issues documented below in bulleted lists, narratives, and/or pictures related to the outside faucet that should be evaluated and repaired as deemed necessary by a licensed plumber.


    • Leaking of valve stem during back-pressure-test noted. It is common for hose faucets to leak around the valve stem resulting in the wasting of water. Usually this can be corrected by tightening the valve stem nut slightly . I recommend further evaluation/repairs by a licensed plumber.
    • Frost Cover. The insulated covers for the outside faucets are not necessary and can mask small leaks that could freeze and fill up the cover damaging the valve. I recommend not using these covers.

    🛑 Safety 🔧 Maintenance (as needed) 👁‍🗨 Monitor during use 🔍 Due Diligence


  • G1-1 ⛺GROUNDS:


    There were issues documented below in bulleted lists, narratives and/or pictures related to the grounds that should be evaluated, repaired and improved as deemed necessary by the appropriate qualified parties.


    • Safety concerns:
    • trip hazards. At the west yard area there are two pieces of broken pipe sticking out of the ground that represent a trip hazard that could cause injury to persons and they should be removed.


    • Possible critical slope area. This site is a steep site and whatever precautions can be taken to minimize erosion are crucial to maintaining slope stability. It is well beyond the scope of any Standard Home Inspection to determine the acceptability of such site conditions. Any available documents related to Geo-technical studies related to this site might be of interest to you and I recommend asking seller for any such documents related to this site. 

    🛑 Safety 🔨Repair 🔧 Maintenance 👁‍🗨 Monitor annually 🐞 WDO’s ➕ Upgrade 🔍 Due Diligence

  • G1-4 ⛺GROUNDS:


    There were issues documented below in bulleted lists, narratives and/or pictures related to the Driveways. There were numerous conditions with the driveway that should be evaluated, maintained and repaired by a qualified party. Some areas merely need monitoring and maintenance typical of all driveways.


    • cracking evident, Water intrusion into cracks in the driveway can result in undermining and result in failure of the surface over time. I recommend all cracks be sealed and maintained to extend the life of the driveway surface.
    • patching and repairs noted
    • wood decay/rot in wood dividers, wood divider boards in driveways often decay/deteriorate over time and replacement becomes necessary at some point. It is often difficult to determine if decay/rot is present or whether damage from wood destroying insects has occurred until the boards collapse or disintegrate. It is typically not difficult to replace these boards or fill the gaps with other materials. When they are missing the risk of falls is increased.

    🛑 Safety 🔨Repair 🔧 Maintenance 👁‍🗨 Monitor annually 🐞 WDO’s ➕ Upgrade 🔍 Due Diligence

  • G1-5 ⛺GROUNDS:


    There were issues documented below in bulleted lists, narratives and/or pictures related to the Property Walkways. There were numerous conditions with the concrete property walkways that should be evaluated, repaired and maintained by a qualified party. Some areas merely need monitoring and maintenance typical of any walkway. Maintenance of these walkways is typically the responsibility of the property owner and defects such as trip hazards and the presence of snow/ice can lead to increased liability if persons are injured. The following conditions were noted to the walkways:

    Along the north side, the window wells make the walkway very narrow and improvements will be difficult. This will be further discussed in relation to the window wells being improperly sized.


    • windows not safety glass or not verified. it should be verified the glass is safety glass in the proximity to the walkway. If not, there are protective films that can be added to the glass or the glass can be replaced.

    🛑 Safety 🔨Repair 🔧 Maintenance 👁‍🗨 Monitor annually 🐞 WDO’s ➕ Upgrade 🔍 Due Diligence

  • G1-6 ⛺GROUNDS:


    All retaining walls require maintenance and monitoring. There were issues documented below in bulleted lists, narratives and/or pictures related to the retaining wall along the alley that should be evaluated and repaired by a qualified party that utilizes the services of a licensed structural engineer when necessary

    UNTREATED WOOD Retaining walls/Landscaping Structures:

    • decay/rot in decorative landscaping retaining structures. The treated wood typically used in the construction of retaining wall structures is called "ground contact" pressure treated wood. Because the preservative does not typically penetrate to the center of the wood, decay/rot and damage by wood destroying insects can occur over time. This often cannot be determined in a visual inspection. Wood members with typical checking cracks are especially prone to hidden damage. Ground Contact, pressure treated lumber, older than 20 years, should be invasively tested by a qualified party to determine the soundness of the wood. When wood retaining wall structural components need to be replaced, they should be replaced with "foundation grade" pressure treated lumber. Other areas should be anticipated.

    🛑 Safety 🔨Repair 🔧 Maintenance 👁‍🗨 Monitor annually 🐞 WDO’s ➕ Upgrade 🔍 Due Diligence



    There were issues documented below in bulleted lists, narratives and/or pictures related to the Building's Exterior. The following concerns should be evaluated, repaired, replaced and improved by a qualified party as deemed necessary. Hidden damage in exterior cladding is common and should be anticipated.


    • 🚩Buildings with no apparent sheer protection. The West side of the building at the upper level is mostly glass.. In the context of a home inspection I am unable to determine methods of construction that would account for proper sheer support . It is possible there is steel buried in the wood structure. Perhaps plans for this construction are available or discuss with a licensed structural engineer to your satisfaction. Thermal imaging shows cooler anomalies that may be consistent with steel framing. There are other ways to achieve lateral support as well. The building regardless, appears to be performing as intended/necessary.


    • 🚩Identification NOT in place. In an emergency it is important for authorities and service personnel to readily locate the home. Address numbers do not conform to current standards. The homeowner should make sure that house numbers are maintained visible from street (both night and day). Modern requirements call for numbers/letters to be a minimum of 6" high and placed on a contrasting surface.
    • missing numbers

    🛑 Safety 🔧 Maintenance (annual) 👁‍🗨 Monitor annually 🐞 WDO’s 🔍 Due Diligence



    There were issues documented below in bulleted lists, narratives and/or pictures related to the Plywood Siding. Siding protects the home from the elements and requires ongoing maintenance. Sometimes there are enough issues that entire replacement is warranted. The following issues were noted:


    • too close to deck/porch/balcony surfaces
    • behind deck structures
    • evidence of patching/repairs
    • some gaps
    • pipe penetrations not sealed
    • mechanical damage
    • trim installed over the top of siding without a counter-flashing
    • The exterior cladding of the home was in generally fair condition. Detailing every deficiency is well beyond the scope of this inspection but enough can be seen to warrant a complete evaluation of all of the cladding by a qualified siding installation contractor to determine the extent of damage and to make repairs and/or replacement as deemed necessary. Some of the issues will be documented in the pictures below but should not be constructed as all inclusive but instead more representative. As we discussed, this siding is also the building sheathing, and most of the damaged siding appears to be in areas where the siding is less important structurally. Generally this type of siding can be sided over, after repairs to the damaged areas have been made. This will take care of some of the problematic flashing details as well.
    • wood decay/rot in siding

    I recommend a full evaluation by a qualified siding contractor to determine what repairs are necessary and to make proper repairs including, where appropriate, evaluation/repairs of hidden damage. Some amount of hidden damage should be anticipated.

    Other trades and windows involved

    • It is also possible other trades may become involved in these repairs as well as relates to mechanical systems of the building that penetrate the exterior cladding.
    • Window elements may also be involved and some amount of repair to window components should be anticipated.

    🛑 Safety 🔨Repair 🔧 Maintenance 👁‍🗨 Monitor annually 🐞 WDO’s ➕ Upgrade 🔍 Due Diligence



    There were issues documented below in bulleted lists, narratives and/or pictures related to the Exterior Cladding. Proper flashings of exterior cladding is critical to keep moisture out of the structure. The following conditions were noted and should be evaluated and repaired as deemed necessary by a qualified party. Hidden damage should be anticipated.


    • Missing/Inadequate. This can lead to water penetration behind the siding and can lead to water penetration of the house sheathing at these locations. Repairs would likely prove difficult but repairs may become necessary in time--this is especially true in areas that are not well protected by overhangs on the South and West sides of the home. Hidden damage is common, with at least the trim boards. I recommend monitoring and repairs later when it becomes necessary or that proper flashings be installed now by a qualified siding contractor to avoid perhaps more costly repairs later. In the context of repainting the home you might want to consider having proper flashings installed. If flashings are not installed it will be necessary to be vigilant about keeping the connections well caulked and sealed to prevent water intrusion. The big drawback to caulking these connections as opposed to proper flashings is that water that finds its way behind the trim where it becomes trapped and promotes hidden decay/rot. These flashings are obviously less critical in areas well protected by overhangs. While a common installation practice with cement board siding it is still not best practice. Decay behind these trim boards is not considered likely as they are related to the recent installation of the windows.
    • Missing at:
    • materials changes
    • head flashings
    • These flashings are obviously less critical in areas well protected by overhangs.

    🔨Repair 🔧 Maintenance 👁‍🗨 Monitor annually 🐞 WDO’s ➕ Upgrade 🔍 Due Diligence

  • WED-1 West Entryway Deck:


    The deck structure had numerous issues and no attempt to document all these issues will be made in this report. The bulleted lists, narratives and/or pictures related to the information below should be seen as more representative as opposed to all inclusive and other concerns should be anticipated. Concerns were noted in relation to:


    • flashing missing
    • not bolted or not adequately bolted
    • ledger attached on top of siding

    Notes, and maintenance documentation/details about the deck, will be detailed in the pertinent sections below this narrative.

    The following pictures with descriptions are meant to convey the necessity for evaluation/repair of the structure by a qualified deck installation/repair contractor as deemed necessary. The recommended minimum standards can be found in the American Wood Council's Prescriptive Wood Residential Deck Construction Guide. This guide is also known as "DCA-6." Another great reference, even though a little ahead of requirements in most jurisdictions and not free, Deck Construction Based on the 2021 IRC. I recommend evaluation and repairs by a qualified deck construction contractor. Most of these repairs can most easily be addressed in the context of the siding installation.

    🛑 Safety 🔨Repair 🔧 Maintenance 👁‍🗨 Monitor annually 🐞 WDO’s ➕ Upgrade 🔍 Due Diligence

  • WD-1 West Deck:


    The deck structure had numerous issues and no attempt to document all these issues will be made in this report. The bulleted lists, narratives and/or pictures related to the information below should be seen as more representative as opposed to all inclusive and other concerns should be anticipated. Concerns were noted in relation to:


    • There were issues with:
    • the guards
    • decay/rot


    • 🚩Guard not adequate. The building code doesn't have separate standards for required guards and not-required guards, so the height, spacing of intermediate members, structural requirements, etc. are the same in either case. Section R312.1 of the building code says Guards shall comply with the provisions of sections R312.1.1 through R312.1.4. At least 34 inches high and not allow the passage of a 4-3/8" sphere. This applies to all guards whether they are "required" guards or not. The term "where required..." is used frequently throughout the code to indicate that a certain standard need not always apply to a component of a building in the case where the component itself is not mandatory. As with guards in required areas, the guard should be able to withstand lateral loads of 200 lbs and the field area of the guard should be able to resist 50 lbs of lateral load.
    • 🚩Guard would not resist 200 lateral lbs. The stair guard would not likely resist lateral forces to required levels (200 lbs). This cannot adequately be determined in the course of a home inspection. The field areas of the guard are required to resist lateral forces of 50 lbs. This should also be verified for adequacy.
    • decay/rot
    • missing posts
    • posts too far apart
    • guard spacings inadequate
    • Spaces more than 4". Current requirements call for guard spaces to be less than 4 inches as this is less that what a child can fit his or her body through that could result in strangulation when their head does not fit. For improved safety, the spaces should be reduced to less than 4 inches.


    • drains over edge with no gutters can create slippery conditions

    Notes, and maintenance documentation/details about the deck, will be detailed in the pertinent sections below this narrative.

    The following pictures with descriptions are meant to convey the necessity for a full evaluation/repair or possibly even replacement of the structure by a qualified deck installation/repair contractor as deemed necessary. The recommended minimum standards can be found in the American Wood Council's Prescriptive Wood Residential Deck Construction Guide. This guide is also known as "DCA-6." Another great reference, even though a little ahead of requirements in most jurisdictions and not free, Deck Construction Based on the 2021 IRC. I recommend evaluation, repairs and replacement by a qualified deck construction contractor.

    🛑 Safety 🔨Repair 🔧 Maintenance 👁‍🗨 Monitor annually 🐞 WDO’s ➕ Upgrade 🔍 Due Diligence

  • SD-1 South Deck:


    The deck structure had numerous issues and no attempt to document all these issues will be made in this report. The bulleted lists, narratives and/or pictures related to the information below should be seen as more representative as opposed to all inclusive and other concerns should be anticipated. Concerns were noted in relation to:


    • Conditions:


    • missing at bottom

    Notes, and maintenance documentation/details about the deck, will be detailed in the pertinent sections below this narrative.

    The following pictures with descriptions are meant to convey the necessity for a full evaluation/repair or possibly even replacement of the structure by a qualified deck installation/repair contractor as deemed necessary. The recommended minimum standards can be found in the American Wood Council's Prescriptive Wood Residential Deck Construction Guide. This guide is also known as "DCA-6." Another great reference, even though a little ahead of requirements in most jurisdictions and not free, Deck Construction Based on the 2021 IRC. I recommend evaluation, repairs and replacement by a qualified deck construction contractor.

    🛑 Safety 🔨Repair 🔧 Maintenance 👁‍🗨 Monitor annually 🐞 WDO’s ➕ Upgrade 🔍 Due Diligence

  • G-1 🚘GARAGE:


    There were issues documented below in bulleted lists, narratives and/or pictures related to the garage floor that should be evaluated and repaired as deemed necessary by a qualified party and monitored annually. The pictures and notes below detail some of these concerns, but should not be construed to be a complete accounting of the issues.


    • some amount of cracking should be anticipated under storage


    • Wall between house and garage. Having the exposed wood, between the garage and basement interior spaces covered with drywall to improve fire safety is recommended. Fire-resistant materials on the walls and ceilings between the house and the garage have been required by building standards for a long time. Consult with drywall installation company regarding installation. Taping of all drywall seams is recommended.
    • Fire-blocking missing at pipe/wire/ductwork penetrations of garage walls/ceilings. Unprotected openings were found in the garage wall and ceiling finishes. This should be repaired to complete the fire separation between the house and the garage. Large holes should be repaired with the proper gypsum materials. Small holes and openings should be sealed with mud or high temperature of "fire stop" caulking. Doors in the wall between the house and garage are required to meet fire-resistance requirements.
    • Small breaches of fire-resistant surfaces. There are some small breaches of the fire-resistant surfaces between the house and the garage that should be properly patched (mostly related to improper wiring to the water heater). Consult with a qualified drywall installation company regarding installation. 

    🛑 Safety 🔨Repair 🔧 Maintenance 👁‍🗨 Monitor annually 🐞 WDO’s ➕ Upgrade 🔍 Due Diligence

  • R-1 ROOF:


    There were issues documented below in bulleted lists, narratives, and/or pictures related to the roof surface that should be evaluated, repaired and maintained by a qualified roofing contractor or as deemed necessary. The pictures below document some of the concerns related to this roof and should not be construed to mean there are no other conditions that need to be addressed. Hidden damage is common with roofs. This roofing is only involved with the "decorative overhang structures across the garage overhead door and the door to the house from the west deck. These structures will need to be removed in the context of the siding project and re-installation can be discretionary. However, installation above south facing doors can be helpful.


    • 🚩Roof covering past expected life. A full evaluation/repair of underlying surfaces is recommended and proper repairs made as deemed necessary. Some amount of hidden damage should be anticipated.
    • missing flashings


    • Much Granular Loss. There was considerable mechanical damage in areas of the roof. Other possible causes are possible--including just carelessness. Evaluation of the roof by a qualified roofing contractor, to determine if and when repairs might be warranted is recommended. Without the protection of the roofing granules a shorter service life should be anticipated in the damaged areas.

    🛑 Safety 🔨Repair 🔧 Maintenance ➕ Upgrade 👁‍🗨 Monitor annually 🔍 Due Diligence 🐞 WDO’s

  • R-2 ROOF:


    There were issues documented below in bulleted lists, narratives, and/or pictures related to the roof drainage system. I recommend evaluation and repairs by a qualified gutter installation contractor or other qualified party is recommended. Failed drainage systems can cause damage to the home and not direct water properly away from the home.

    🚩Care should be taken related to maintenance of gutters as they represent a safety hazard for falls and other injuries.


    • some standing water noted, appears normal/common


    • some downspouts disconnected
    • inadequate connections noted

    🔧 Maintenance (annual) 👁‍🗨 Monitor annually 🔍 Due Diligence


  • G1-3 ⛺GROUNDS:


    There was vegetation at the south side of the home that was too close to the home. All vegetation should be maintained away from the home at least 12 inches. Vegetation too close to the home can create a pathway to the home for moisture, insects and vermin. Inspection of some components of the home was limited by the proximity of vegetation to the home and further evaluation may be warranted when the vegetation is cleared away and some amount of damage should be anticipated. I recommend evaluation and maintenance by a qualified party. Bulleted lists, narratives and/or pictures below document these conditions:


    • vegetation too close to the building
    • along the South side of the building

    🛑 Safety, 🔨Repair, 🔧 Maintenance, 👁‍🗨 Monitor annually, 🐞 WDO’s, ➕ Upgrade and 🔍 Due Diligence

Due Diligence Items

  • G1-2 ⛺GROUNDS:


    There were issues documented below in bulleted lists, narratives and/or pictures related to the Drainage around the building. Drainage systems around the property warrant ongoing vigilant maintenance/cleaning. Conditions of such drainage mostly cannot be determined in the context of an inspection. The following conditions were noted and evaluation and repairs should be made by a qualified party as deemed necessary.


    • proper function of underground drainage systems cannot be determined at the time of inspection Proper function of underground drains is beyond the scope of this inspection. I recommend that proper function be both determined and maintained. If drains are present and accessible, one method to verify function is to run a hose into them for a prolonged time and see whether water backs up out of the drain. While some can be inspected by remote camera, most sewer scoping companies do not scope these drains.


    • appropriateness of footing drain pipe termination not determined
    • likely not functional/present in homes this age. The Perimeter/Footing Drains of homes of this age are often not functional and have been abandoned. The result is that roof water can flood next to the foundation and can have a negative impact on the foundation of the home. Cleaning of these older drains is usually not possible and installation of new footing drains can be costly (however the best long term solution). I recommend installation of new tight-line drains for the roof water drains that are not connected to adequate drains be installed by a qualified drainage contractor to lessen the impact of roof water on the foundation and interior spaces.

    🛑 Safety 🔨Repair 🔧 Maintenance 👁‍🗨 Monitor monthly 🐞 WDO’s ➕ Upgrade 🔍 Due Diligence

  • G-3 🚘GARAGE:


    There were issues documented below in bulleted lists, narratives and/or pictures related to the exterior doors of the home. All should be evaluated, repaired and maintained as deemed necessary by a qualified door installation contractor or other qualified party. The door was locked and not inspected at the time of inspection.

    🛑 Safety 🔨Repair 🔧 Maintenance 👁‍🗨 Monitor annually ➕ Upgrade 🌲 Efficiency / IAQ 🔍 Due Diligence

Improvement Items

  • MB-2 🛀Main Bathroom:

    EXHAUST FANS of all upper bathrooms:

    There were issues documented below in bulleted lists, narratives and/or pictures related to the laundry exhaust fan:


    • Exhaust improperly terminated:
    • damper missing--all exhaust vent caps require a damper for energy efficiency. Without a damper, the damper in the unit will open when the house is under negative pressure, resulting in air bypassing the damper.
    • no Exterior Cap with back-draft damper / Improperly terminated

    I recommend evaluation and repairs as deemed necessary by a qualified party.

    🛑 Safety 🔨Repair 🔧 Maintenance 👁‍🗨 Monitor annually 🐞 WDO’s ➕ Upgrade 🌲 Efficiency / IAQ 🔍 Due Diligence