Company Information

Orca Inspection Services LLC


The scope of work here includes a visual inspection below 49 units to check for the presence of drainage problems and the presence of obvious moisture control problems. For record keeping at least 1 picture has been taken below each unit and an assessment will be made regarding the presence of and extent of water below the unit. Each unit will be given a 0-5 subjective score, to try and estimate the severity of the drainage problems noted during inspection, with 0 being no visible signs of moisture noted. To keep costs down, this inspection and report do NOT include a complete crawl of the crawl space. This report and inspection are a cursory a look below each space. The scope of the inspection is designed to be a quick overview type assessment of drainage problems. This limitation could lead to some inaccurate information, but this limitation has been agreed to given the cost to the association of completely crawling and documenting all 49 units.

Inspected By:

Dylan Chalk, WA State License #365