Company Information

Clever Inspections

(201) 308-3809
Inspected By:

Andrew Merriweather, NJ State License #24GI00200600
ICN# 72

Wood Destroying Organisms

This report includes a structural pest inspection embedded within the report. All observations in this report that begin with WDO are a part of a NJ State Pest Inspection. Clever Inspections employs Andrew Merriweather, Licensed Structural Pest Inspector ##NJ 62718B. Please note that most WDO observations are related to high moisture conditions that could be conducive to mold-like substances. Clever Inspections is not a mold specialist and recommends consulting with an industrial hygienist or other mold remediation expert if concerned about mold or indoor air quality.


Significant Defects

  • ED-12 Exteriors and Decks:

    Overall, this is an old deck. Numerous repairs are needed to the decking systems on this house to ensure safe and reliable performance. Some of these repairs can be made, while other issues simply are the way they are until the deck is rebuilt. I recommend additional inspection and repair of these decks by a qualified general contractor. Options include a full re-building or implementing repairs as are feasible to prolong the useful life of the deck. Examples of observations and defects noted during inspection include:

    • Decay in the base of the posts of the upper level of the deck
    • Carpenter ants were observed to be nesting in or around the western-most post of the upper deck
    • Wood frass noted on the stairs up to the upper level of the deck, indicating wood destroying insect activity
    • Posts in soil contact at the lower level of the deck
    • Stringers and stairs in soil contact for the lower level of the deck
    • Decay noted in several places of the decking, including stair treads and risers, at the base of the posts supporting hand and guardrails, which has weakened the guardrail system
    • Loose handrails that may not support a falling adult
    • Decay and visible apparent mold was observed under the carpet on the upper level - carpet on exterior wooden structures can hold moisture and promote mold and decay.

Marginal Defects

  • G-4 Grounds:

    Downspouts are discharging adjacent to the foundation. This can cause foundation settlement or basement moisture problems. Make sure all downspouts discharge into a proper tight-line system that diverts water at least 5 feet away from the foundation. Have the downspout discharge corrected as needed by a qualified professional.

  • G-10 Grounds:

    The wooden front stairs require several repairs and improvements to ensure a safe and reliable walking surface. Have the stairs evaluated by a qualified professional and corrected as needed. Examples of observations noted during inspection include:

    • The bottom step is bowed and pitched forward, and flexes when stepped on.
    • The stringers, bottom step, and posts are in contact with soils, which could degrade the wood and contribute to rot.
    • The guard rail is pulling away from the corner post and is not fully secure, and may not support a falling adult.
    • The carpet on the surface of landing may be concealing additional damage. Carpet is not ideal on wooden surfaces as it can hold moisture and promote mold growth and wood rot.
  • ARC-16 Attic and Roof Cavity:

    Condensation was noted on the AC condensate line. The condensation was dripping onto a wooden board that appeared to have been placed there to catch the drips. Dripping water could damage finishes below or allow organic growth. Have the condensate line evaluated by a qualified professional and corrected as needed to prevent condensation, or a better system implemented to address the resulting moisture.

  • B-15 Bathrooms:

    The family bath fan is loud during operation. Reliable bath fans are important to help keep the bathroom dry. I would consider updating this fan here so it gets used when needed to keep the space dry.

  • G1-4 Garage:

    Evidence of rodent entry was noted in the garage. All openings into the garage should be sealed to prevent rodent entry. All feces and contamination should be cleaned and a trapping program implemented to monitor sealing progress. See other sections of the report for more information on rodents.

  • PE-4 Pests and Environmental:

    Carpenter ants were noted to be living at the base of the western-most post of the upper level of the deck in the rotting wood of the post. Carpenter ants often begin nesting in soft rotted wood but will move on to dry wood as the colony grows, causing damage as they excavate the material. Additional damage may exist further up the post on the interior. Consult with a pest control specialist for options for control of the ants and repair all damaged wood as needed.

Minor / Maintenance Items

  • G-8 Grounds:

    All trees, branches and vegetation should be pruned at least six feet away from the building to eliminate a condition conducive to wood destroying organisms and a path for rodent entry - see the front of the house especially. Have the vegetation pruned as needed by a qualified professional.


  • L-5 Laundry:

    A moisture alarm with water shut-off features is recommended under the washing machine to protect against accidental leaks in the supply hoses. Pans can be effective when there is a drain, but even these will not protect against a burst supply connector. A moisture alarm with automatic shut-off will. Watts is a brand I have seen installed: Link.

Due Diligences

  • PE-5 Pests and Environmental:

    Termite bait stations were noted on the exterior. Inquire with the owners for any information about past termite activity and treatment, and for any documentation, existing service contracts, etc. No live termites or damage from termites were observed during inspection.