The Scope and Purpose of a Home Inspection
Purchasing property involves risk
The purpose of a home inspection is to help reduce the risk associated with the purchase of a structure by providing a professional opinion about the overall condition of the structure. A home inspection is a limited visual inspection and it cannot eliminate this risk. Some homes present more risks than others. We cannot control this, but we try to help educate you about what we don’t know during the inspection process. This is more difficult to convey in a report and one of many reasons why we recommend that you attend the inspection.
A home inspection is not an insurance policy
This report does not substitute for or serve as a warranty or guarantee of any kind. Home warranties can be purchased separately from insuring firms that provide this service.
A home inspection is visual and not destructive
The descriptions and observations in this report are based on a visual inspection of the structure. We inspect the aspects of the structure that can be viewed without dismantling, damaging or disfiguring the structure and without moving furniture and interior furnishings. Areas that are concealed, hidden or inaccessible to view are not covered by this inspection. Some systems cannot be tested during this inspection as testing risks damaging the building. For example, overflow drains on bathtubs are generally not tested because if they were found to be leaking they could damage the finishes below. Our procedures involve non-invasive investigation and non-destructive testing which will limit the scope of the inspection.
This is not an inspection for code compliance
This inspection and report are not intended for city / local code compliance. During the construction process structures are inspected for code compliance by municipal inspectors. Framing is open at this time and conditions can be fully viewed. Framing is not open during inspections of finished homes, and this limits the inspection. All houses fall out of code compliance shortly after they are built, as the codes continually change. National codes are augmented at least every three years for all of the varying disciplines. Municipalities can choose to adopt and phase in sections of the codes on their own timetables. There are generally no requirements to bring older homes into compliance unless substantial renovation is being done.
This is just our opinion
Construction techniques and standards vary. There is no one way to build a house or install a system in a house. The observations in this report are the opinions of the home inspector. Other inspectors and contractors are likely to have some differing opinions. You are welcome to seek opinions from other professionals.
The scope of this inspection
This inspection will include the following systems: exterior, roof, structure, drainage, foundation, attic, interior, plumbing, electrical and heating. The evaluation will be based on limited observations that are primarily visual and non-invasive. This inspection and report are not intended to be technically exhaustive.
Your expectations
The overall goal of a home inspection is to help ensure that your expectations are appropriate with the house you are proposing to buy. To this end we assist with discovery by showing and documenting observations during the home inspection. This should not be mistaken for a technically exhaustive inspection designed to uncover every defect with a building. Such inspections are available but they are generally cost-prohibitive to most homebuyers.
Your participation is requested
Your presence is requested during this inspection. A written report will not substitute for all the possible information that can be conveyed verbally by a shared visual observation of the conditions of the property.
How to Read This Report
Getting the Information to You
This report is designed to deliver important and technical information in a way that is easy for anyone to access and understand. If you are in a hurry, you can take a quick look at our "Summary Page” and quickly get critical information for important decision making. However, we strongly recommend that you take the time to read the full Report, which includes digital photographs, captions, diagrams, descriptions, videos and hot links to additional information.
The best way to get the layers of information that are presented in this report is to read your report online (the HTML version), which will allow you to expand your learning about your house. You will notice some words or series of words highlighted in blue and underlined – clicking on these will provide you with a link to additional information. The HTML version of this report also contains streaming videos. Short video clips often contain important information and critical context and sounds that can be difficult to capture in words and still pictures.
For the most reliable viewing experience, I recommend viewing the report on as large a screen as practical, as much detail can be lost on small devices like smart phones. For similar reasons, reports should only be printed in color to retain as much detail as possible and minimize misinterpretation of photographs.
This report can also be printed on paper or to a PDF document.
Chapters and Sections
This report is divided into chapters that parcel the home into logical inspection components. Each chapter is broken into sections that relate to a specific system or component of the home. You can navigate between chapters with the click of a button on the left side margin or on the upper right margin if using mobile view.
Most sections will contain some descriptive information done in black font. Observation narrative, done in colored boxes, will be included if a system or component is found to be significantly deficient in some way or if we wish to provide helpful additional information about the system or the scope of our inspection. If a system or component of the home was deemed to be in satisfactory or serviceable condition, there may be no narrative observation comments in that section and it may simply say “tested,” or “inspected.”
Recommended Contractors
At the bottom of many narrative observations in this report you will find a recommended contractor such as Plumber. Whenever work is to be performed, it is recommended that only licensed and insured professional contractors perform work. It is also recommended that a paper trail of receipts for work performed be obtained for your records.
Observation Labels
All narrative observations are colored, numbered and labeled to help you find, refer to, and understand the severity of the observation. Observation colors and labels used in this report are:
- Repair:Repair and maintenance items noted at time of inspection that will most likely require attention anytime within 5 years to prevent additional damage or eliminate safety hazards.
- Immediate Concern:Repair items noted at time of inspection that require immediate or near future attention (typically within 1 year), to prevent additional damage or eliminate safety hazards.
- Recommended Maintenance:Repair items that should be considered "routine home ownership items," such as trimming foliage, cleaning the gutters or changing the air filters in the furnace.
- Monitor:Items that should be watched to see if correction may be needed in the future.
- Improve or Upgrade:Observations that are not necessarily defects, but which could be improved for safety, efficiency, or reliability reasons. These are often items which reflect changes in building codes or standards.
- Due Diligence:Observation such as a buried oil tank that may require further investigation to determine the severity and / or urgency of repair.
- Limitations:Conditions present at the time of inspection which limited the scope of this visual inspection
Pest Inspection
All items with the bug logo () are part of a structural pest inspection. If your inspector included a structural pest inspection as a part of the scope of your home inspection, you can distinguish pest inspection items by this logo. You can also go to the pest inspection summary page to see a summary of the items that are part of a pest inspection.
Summary Page
The Summary Page is designed as a bulleted overview of all the observations noted during inspection. This helpful overview is not a substitution for reading the entire inspection report. The entire report must be read to get a complete understanding of this inspection report as the Summary Page does not include photographs or photo captions.
- RC-1 Roof and Chimney - Roof Covering Material and Condition:
Multiple layers of roofing material were noted. This is allowed in some circumstances but poses risks for future performance. Shingles install and perform more reliably when installed as one layer. Visual inspection indicates this roof is is marginal condition.
- Non-standard flashings were noted which can lead to unreliable performance
- Cupping shingles were noted - this can inhibit proper drainage off the roof and lead to leaks.
Roofing Contractor
- RC-2 Roof and Chimney - Roof Covering Material and Condition:
The roofing system was noted to be in marginal condition, and should be evaluated and repaired by a licensed roofing contractor. Examples of observations noted during inspection include:
- Moderate granule loss
- Curling shingles
- Exposed fasteners (shiners noted)
- Seams poorly sealed
- Have a qualified roofing contractor further evaluate this roof and repair as needed.
Roofing Contractor
- RC-3 Roof and Chimney - Plumbing Vents:
(Plumbing Vent repairs) The boot on the plumbing vent through the roof structure is in need of repair/replacement.
- RC-6 Roof and Chimney - Gutters:
Repairs are needed to the gutters and downspouts for reliable control of roof runoff. Repair as needed. Note that reliable gutters and downspouts are critical for moisture control on a building.
- RC-7 Roof and Chimney - Chimneys:
Mortar failure was noted on the masonry chimney. Mortar repairs are needed.
Mason/Chimney Sweep
- ES1-1 Exterior Siding - Siding:
The vinyl siding system on this building requires repairs. Implement repairs as needed to ensure reliable siding performance. Examples of specific observations noted during inspection include:
- Proper flashing transitions were missing or incomplete
- Signs of amateur and temporary repairs were noted
- Improper fastening noted
Aluminum/Vinyl Siding Specialist
- ES-1 Exterior Services - Service Entry/Exterior Electrical:
The electric service wires are too low and require repair for improved safety. Contact the utility or a licensed electrical contractor to further evaluate and repair.
- ESE-1 Electric Service Equipment - Main Panel:
Repairs are needed to the electric panel.
- Non-metallic sheathed cable runs through panel without proper bushing
- HCS-2 Heating and Cooling Systems - Water Heater:
The water heater relief valve extension has not been correctly plumbed. Repairs are needed.
- The discharge tube is missing
- K-2 Kitchen - Kitchen Countertops/ Cabinets:
Caulking is needed around countertop junctures for moisture control.
- K-3 Kitchen - Kitchen Countertops/ Cabinets:
Tune-up repairs are needed to the cabinets. Complete repairs/installation of cabinets as needed.
- B2-3 Bathrooms - Toilets and Bidets:
The toilet is loose and not adequately mounted and/or caulked to the floor. This risks leaks. Have this further evaluated and repaired as recommended by a licensed plumber.
- B2-4 Bathrooms - Toilets and Bidets:
The toilet continues to run after flushing. Repair as needed to prevent wasting water.
- B2-6 Bathrooms - Tubs and Showers:
Caulking/grout repairs are needed for the tub/shower enclosure. Regular maintenance of tile caulk and grout is critical for moisture control.
- Caulking/grout needed inside of the tub/shower
- B2-8 Bathrooms - Tubs and Showers:
Poor functional flow was noted at shower head during testing of the bathroom fixtures. This could indicate a localized problem with the piping system or a more chronic problem. Have this further investigated and repaired as recommended by a licensed plumbing contractor.
- B1-1 Bedrooms - Bedroom Windows:
Repairs are needed to the window(s).
- Windows will not open and close properly
- Damaged window frame
General Contractor/Window Specialist
- B1-2 Bedrooms - Bedroom Doors:
Repairs are needed to the door(s). See the family bedroom.
- The door is not closing in the jamb
General Contractor
- B1-3 Bedrooms - Bedroom Electrical:
Repairs are needed to the electric receptacles.
- Loose receptacle(s)
- Reverse polarity noted (hot and neutral wired backwards - safety hazard)
- Open grounds noted (a common conditions on buildings older than 1963 - GFCI protection is recommended for protection)
- CR-1 Common Rooms - Living Room:
Repairs are needed to the electric receptacles.
- Loose receptacle(s)
- Open grounds noted (a common conditions on buildings older than 1963 - GFCI protection is recommended for protection)
- CR-2 Common Rooms - Living Room:
Repairs are needed to the window(s).
- Locks don't latch
General Contractor/Window Specialist
- EBFW-1 Electric Branch and Finish Wiring - Electric Receptacles and Switches:
Repairs are needed to the branch wiring system.
- Amateur wiring in the basement recommend repair by an electrician
- Open junction boxes
- EBFW-2 Electric Branch and Finish Wiring - Electric Receptacles and Switches:
(Electrical Receptacles and Switches) Receptacles need repaired.
- LR-2 Laundry Room - Clothes Washer:
Repairs are needed to the clothes washer supply lines. This can be critical to prevent leaks and water damage.
- The supply hoses are old and unreliable
- These conditions risk water damage
- B-7 Basement - Joists:
Repairs are needed to the basement floor.
General/Basement Contractor
- B-8 Basement - Basement Walls, Ceilings, Closets and Floors:
Repairs are needed to the plaster walls and/or ceilings.
- CS-1 Crawl Space - Crawl Space Ventilation:
Crawl space vent screens are missing/damaged and require repair especially for rodent control.
General Contractor
- P-2 Plumbing - Water Service:
The water pipe insulation is incomplete. This risks pipes freezing during cold weather and is less energy efficient where heated water lines are run through unconditioned spaces.
- Pipe insulation is incomplete in the crawl space
Immediate Concerns
- K-1 Kitchen - Kitchen Sink:
No hot water was noted at the sink.
- B2-1 Bathrooms - Bathroom Sinks and Cabinets:
No hot water was noted at the sink.
- B2-7 Bathrooms - Tubs and Showers:
No hot water was found at the bathroom sink during testing today. Implement repairs as needed so all fixtures have hot water.
- B-4 Basement - Beams:
Structural supporting beams are damaged. This can weaken the frame. Repair as needed.
General/Framing Contractor
- B-5 Basement - Beams:
Damaged subfloor was noted. Repair damage as needed.
General Contractor
- B-6 Basement - Beams:
Floor joists are damaged and require repair.
General Contractor
- P-1 Plumbing - Water Service:
Galvanized steel piping was noted in use for the supply piping system. This is older steel pipe that corrodes from the inside. Overtime, pipes become restricted until functional flow is so diminished, they have to be replaced. Leaks can also develop at any time. Budget to replace/update these old pipes as a future project.
- P-3 Plumbing - Waste Piping:
Repairs are needed to the waste piping system.
- Inadequate pipe support noted
- Active leaks noted
Recommended Maintenance
- ES1-2 Exterior Siding - Trim:
Peeling paint was noted on the wood trim. Re-paint as needed.
General Contractor/Siding Specialist
- ESE-2 Electric Service Equipment - Main Panel:
The labeling is incomplete for the main electric panel. Correct incomplete labeling as needed for safety.
- B2-5 Bathrooms - Toilets and Bidets:
Caulking is needed around the toilet to secure the toilet and for moisture control.
Items for Monitoring
- ES1-3 Exterior Siding - Foundation (Visible portion of foundation wall on exterior):
Visible cracks were noted in the foundation as viewed from the exterior. Seal and monitor for signs of ongoing movement.
General Contractor
- B-2 Basement - Foundation:
Typical cracks were noted in the basement floor finishes. Monitor for signs of additional movement. No repair appears needed at this time. Cracks could be sealed for improved moisture control.
- B-3 Basement - Basement Drainage:
Mineralization stains were noted. Often referred to as efflorescence, these are white staining patterns similar to sweat stains left on a T-shirt. These tend to indicate seasonal dampness in the masonry and they can indicate more problematic moisture control problems. This is difficult to distinguish during a one-time visual inspection as some minor amount of mineralization is common.
- These stains appear light to moderate. Monitor for signs of moisture control problems and correct if deemed necessary.
Foundation Contractor/Drainage Specialist
Improve Or Upgrade Items
- RC-5 Roof and Chimney - Gutters:
Extensions are recommended for the ends of the downspouts to ensure water gets at least 5-6 feet or more away from the foundation. Correct as needed for moisture control.
- K-4 Kitchen - Kitchen Ventilation:
The kitchen has no provisions for ventilation. An exhaust fan that ducts to the exterior is required at least somewhere in the kitchen. Lack of ventilation to the exterior is a potential safety hazard and will be inconvenient for managing cooking odors and indoor humidity. The exhaust fan is not required to be located over the cooktop, but the kitchen needs ventilation somewhere. If the range is gas, it is recommended but not required that the ventilation be installed over the appliance. Hire a qualified contractor to further evaluate this installation and install a cooktop fan and exhaust system to the outdoors as needed.
- Please note that for residences built prior to 1991, ventilation can be a window. Though this is allowed in theory, it is not recommended as many buildings are retrofit over the years to be more air-tight and ventilation to the exterior is universally helpful for moisture control and indoor air quality.
- B2-9 Bathrooms - Bathroom Ventilation:
The bathroom only has a window for ventilation. While this works. a fan is recommended for improved moisture control.
General Contractor/Electrician
- B1-4 Bedrooms - Bedroom Electrical:
No carbon monoxide alarm was found outside of the sleeping bedroom. A CO alarm is recommended outside all sleeping areas for safety.
- CR-3 Common Rooms - Living Room:
(Stairwell Condition - Repairs needed) Repairs are needed to the stairwell(s). Handrail is missing/loose
- LR-1 Laundry Room - Clothes Dryer:
Foil/Mylar transition duct has been used behind the dryer. Most manufacturer's of clothes dryers do not recommend this product. Update to metal corrugated type between the dryer and the rigid dryer exhaust vent.
- LR-3 Laundry Room - Laundry Ventilation:
No ventilation was noted for this laundry. Modern standards recommended a fan for all laundry rooms to control indoor humidity.
General Contractor/Electrician
Due Diligence Items
- ES1-4 Exterior Siding - Flashings:
The exterior flashings are not executed consistently. This can lead to localized moisture control problems with the siding system. Implement repairs as needed/recommended by a qualified general contractor.
General Contractor
- HCS-1 Heating and Cooling Systems - Heat Pump / Air Conditioning:
No heat pump or air conditioner was noted here. This means there is no central cooling system. Additional accommodations for cooling will be required.
- B2-2 Bathrooms - Bathroom Sinks and Cabinets:
Amateur plumbing techniques were noted below the sink. This risks leaks, clogs and unreliable performance.
- B-1 Basement - Foundation:
If the walls are covered or partially covered, an effort has been made to note any major inflections or weaknesses. It is difficult to detect these areas when the walls are finished off or storage makes these areas inaccessible. No representation is made as to the condition of these areas.
- RC-4 Roof and Chimney - Ventilation System:
The roof cavity venting has not been done according to modern standards. There was no visible attic access so it is difficult to determine whether a repair is warranted. Venting is generally used for moisture control is roof cavities.
Roofer or General Contractor
- G-1 Grounds - Site Conditions:
The site was covered in snow making it impossible to evaluate the grounds and site conditions today. This limited the scope of this inspection.
- KA-1 Kitchen Appliances - Kitchen Appliances:
Inspection of kitchen appliances is beyond the scope of this home inspection. Under normal conditions every attempt is made to inspect kitchen appliances. In this case, no appliances were installed. Kitchen appliances have not been inspected.
The Full Report
Roof and Chimney
Roof Access
Style of Roof
Roof Covering Material and Condition
Plumbing Vents
Ventilation System
Site Conditions
Grounds Trees and Vegetation
Stoops, Steps and Stairs
Fence / Wall
Exterior Siding
Foundation (Visible portion of foundation wall on exterior)
Windows (As viewed from the exterior)
Exterior Doors
Heating and Cooling Systems
Heat Pump / Air Conditioning
Air Handler
Central Heating System
Air Filter
Heating and Cooling Distribution
Water Heater
Kitchen Appliances
Kitchen Appliances
Sink Disposer
Refrigerators and Ice Makers
Microwave and Other Appliances
Bathroom Sinks and Cabinets
Toilets and Bidets
Tubs and Showers
Bathrooms Finishes and Closets
Bathroom Ventilation
Bedroom Walls, Ceilings, Closets and Floors
Bedroom Windows
Bedroom Doors
Bedroom Heating and Cooling
Bedroom Electrical
Basement Drainage
Basement Walls, Ceilings, Closets and Floors
General Comments
General Comments
State of Occupancy:Vacant
Recent Rain/Snow:Yes
Ground Cover:Snow
Approximate Age:1941
Unless the wiring in the building has been fully updated, this building likely has wiring that predates the late 1980's. Branch circuit wiring installed in buildings built prior to the late 1980s is typically rated for a maximum temperature of only 60 degrees Celsius. This includes non-metallic sheathed (Romex) wiring, and both BX and AC metal-clad flexible wiring. Knob and tube wiring, typically installed in homes built prior to 1950, may be rated for even lower maximum temperatures. Newer electric fixtures including lighting and fans typically require wiring rated for 90 degrees Celsius. Connecting newer fixtures to older, 60-degree-rated wiring is a potential fire hazard. Repairs for such conditions may involve replacing the last few feet of wiring to newer fixtures with new 90-degree-rated wire, and installing a junction box to join the old and new wiring. It is beyond the scope of this inspection to determine if any such incompatible components are installed. Based on the age of this building, be aware that such components may be present.
In 1978, federal laws were passed to prohibit use of lead and asbestos in building materials. Manufacturers of building materials were allowed to sell existing stocks of materials that were manufactured with lead and asbestos, so even buildings constructed as late as the mid-1980's could possibly contain lead or asbestos. Identification and testing for lead and asbestos and other environmental testing is beyond the scope of this home inspection. If you wish to seek additional information, I recommend contacting an environmental lab or industrial hygienist.
Weather Conditions:Sunny
Temperature:Below 10 Degrees F
Roof and Chimney
Roof Access
Inspection Methods:Traversed the roof
Style of Roof
Roof Covering Material and Condition
Roof Covering Material :Composition shingles
Single ply membrane
Roof Covering Condition:Marginal
Multiple layers
Issues:Repairs needed
Approximate Age of Roof Covering:Undetermined
Multiple layers of roofing material were noted. This is allowed in some circumstances but poses risks for future performance. Shingles install and perform more reliably when installed as one layer. Visual inspection indicates this roof is is marginal condition.
- Non-standard flashings were noted which can lead to unreliable performance
- Cupping shingles were noted - this can inhibit proper drainage off the roof and lead to leaks.
Roofing Contractor
The roofing system was noted to be in marginal condition, and should be evaluated and repaired by a licensed roofing contractor. Examples of observations noted during inspection include:
- Moderate granule loss
- Curling shingles
- Exposed fasteners (shiners noted)
- Seams poorly sealed
- Have a qualified roofing contractor further evaluate this roof and repair as needed.
Roofing Contractor
Roof Flashing Material:Not visible
Plumbing Vents
Repairs needed
(Plumbing Vent repairs) The boot on the plumbing vent through the roof structure is in need of repair/replacement.
Ventilation System
Roof Cavity Venting Issues:Non standard - no attic access
The roof cavity venting has not been done according to modern standards. There was no visible attic access so it is difficult to determine whether a repair is warranted. Venting is generally used for moisture control is roof cavities.
Roofer or General Contractor
Leaking:Could not determine if gutters were leaking during inspection because of the weather
Extensions needed:Yes
Repairs are needed to the gutters and downspouts for reliable control of roof runoff. Repair as needed. Note that reliable gutters and downspouts are critical for moisture control on a building.
Extensions are recommended for the ends of the downspouts to ensure water gets at least 5-6 feet or more away from the foundation. Correct as needed for moisture control.
Viewed from:Roof
Rain Cap/ Spark Arrestor:Present
Chase Material:Brick
Flue Liners Present:Tile
Mortar failure
Cleanout present:Yes
Cleanout cover - missing
Cleanout cover - damaged
Mortar failure was noted on the masonry chimney. Mortar repairs are needed.
Mason/Chimney Sweep
Site Conditions
Site Grade:Satisfactory
Site Characteristics:Flat
Not visible, covered with snow
The site was covered in snow making it impossible to evaluate the grounds and site conditions today. This limited the scope of this inspection.
Grounds Trees and Vegetation
Prune Trees and Vegetation:No
Arborist Recommended:No
Conditions Conducive to Wood Destroying Organisms:None noted
Not fully visible
Driveway Condition:Satisfactory
Not fully visible
Porch Condition:Satisfactory
Porch has recently been built. The structure is not fully visible. Structural elements were not fully inspected.
Support Materials:Wood
Floor Materials:Wood
Stoops, Steps and Stairs
Stoops, Steps and Stairs Condition:Satisfactory
Fence / Wall
Fence / Wall Condition:Satisfactory
Materials:Chain link
Exterior Siding
Siding Condition:Marginal
The vinyl siding system on this building requires repairs. Implement repairs as needed to ensure reliable siding performance. Examples of specific observations noted during inspection include:
- Proper flashing transitions were missing or incomplete
- Signs of amateur and temporary repairs were noted
- Improper fastening noted
Aluminum/Vinyl Siding Specialist
Peeling paint
Peeling paint was noted on the wood trim. Re-paint as needed.
General Contractor/Siding Specialist
Foundation (Visible portion of foundation wall on exterior)
Foundation Wall:Concrete block
Visible cracks were noted in the foundation as viewed from the exterior. Seal and monitor for signs of ongoing movement.
General Contractor
The exterior flashings are not executed consistently. This can lead to localized moisture control problems with the siding system. Implement repairs as needed/recommended by a qualified general contractor.
General Contractor
Windows (As viewed from the exterior)
Exterior Doors
Main Entrance Door Condition:Satisfactory
Exterior Services
Service Entry/Exterior Electrical
Meter and Service Entrance:Square
Overhead wires too low, recommend repairing
Exterior Receptacles:None noted
The electric service wires are too low and require repair for improved safety. Contact the utility or a licensed electrical contractor to further evaluate and repair.
Main Fuel Shutoff
Hose Bibs (Spigot)
Hose bibs (Spigot):Present
Not tested (Winter)
Anti-siphon present:Yes
Garage Exterior
Garage Type
Attic General
No access found
This home does not have attic access. This drastically limits my ability to evaluate proper ventilation and moisture issues.
Electric Service Equipment
Main Panel
Adequate Clearance to Panel:Yes
Amperage:100 amp
Copper Service Conductor Size:Not Applicable
Stranded Aluminum Service Size:Aluminum, #2, 100 amps
Panel Condition:Repairs Needed
Service Conductor Condition:Satisfactory
Panel Manufacturer:Square D
240-Volt Breakers and Multi-Wire Branch Circuits:Satisfactory
Breakers are Labeled:No - recommend labeling
GFCI Breakers:None noted
AFCI Breakers:None noted
Repairs are needed to the electric panel.
- Non-metallic sheathed cable runs through panel without proper bushing
The labeling is incomplete for the main electric panel. Correct incomplete labeling as needed for safety.
Branch and Finish Wiring (1)
Branch Wire:Copper
Branch Wire Methods:Non-metallic sheathed cable (Romex)
Branch Wire Condition:Satisfactory
Grounding and Bonding
Electrical Grounding:Present - could not confirm
During a home or property inspection, every effort is made to inspect the visible components of the electrical system grounding. The grounding system is critical for safely discharging electrical surges, especially in the case of lightning strikes. There is no way in the context of a home inspection to verify the "effectiveness" of the grounding system as much of the system is not visible, and there are no practical tests one can perform in the way we can test a furnace or a plumbing fixture. However, many things can lead me to recommend further evaluation of the grounding system by a licensed electrical contractor, and they will be documented in the observations below if discovered.
Electrical Bonding:Present - Could Not Confirm
During the inspection, I attempt to visually document electrical system bonding. There is no way in the context of a home inspection to verify the "effectiveness" of system bonding. All metallic systems in the building must be "bonded" (connected) to the building's electrical grounding system. Bonding creates a pathway to shunt static charges (that would otherwise build up on the system) to earth and to provide a pathway to trip a breaker in the event that these bonded metallic components become energized. There are many things that can lead me to recommend further evaluation of this system by a licensed electrical contractor, and they will be documented as repair items in the observations below if discovered.
Heating and Cooling Systems
Heat Pump / Air Conditioning
Air Conditioning/Heat Pump:None noted
No heat pump or air conditioner was noted here. This means there is no central cooling system. Additional accommodations for cooling will be required.
Air Handler
None noted
Central Heating System
Central Heating System Location:Basement
Brand Name: Guardian
Approximate Age : New
Energy Source:Gas
Service Disconnect:Present
When Turned on by Thermostat:Operated
Flue/Exhaust Piping:Satisfactory
Combustion and Dilution Air:Present
Heat Exchanger:Not accessible
Gas Supply:Shutoff present
Air Filter
Filtration Type:Disposable
Filter Condition:Satisfactory
Heating and Cooling Distribution
Distribution Method:Ductwork
Distribution System Condition:Satisfactory
Water Heater
Approximate Age: 2021
Capacity:40 Gallons
Water Heater Condition:Marginal. Corrosion noted at base should not be there with this age of water heater
Fuel Type:Electric
Water Heater Type:Electric tank
Relief Valve:Present
Repairs needed
Drain Pan:Not needed
Foam Pad:Not needed
Vent Pipe:Not applicable - electric water heater
Gas shut off valve:Not applicable
Combustion Air Venting Present:Not applicable
The water heater relief valve extension has not been correctly plumbed. Repairs are needed.
- The discharge tube is missing
Kitchen Sink
Faucet:No leaks found
Functional Flow:Satisfactory
Hot Water at Faucet:No
Sink Cabinet :Satisfactory
Waste Piping:No leaks Noted
Functional Drainage:Satisfactory
No hot water was noted at the sink.
Kitchen Countertops/ Cabinets
Caulking needed
New construction tune-up repairs needed
Caulking is needed around countertop junctures for moisture control.
Tune-up repairs are needed to the cabinets. Complete repairs/installation of cabinets as needed.
Kitchen Finishes and Pantries
Kitchen Floors:Satisfactory
Kitchen Walls and Ceilings :Satisfactory
Kitchen Closet :None
Kitchen Ventilation
Exhaust Fan:No ventilation noted
The kitchen has no provisions for ventilation. An exhaust fan that ducts to the exterior is required at least somewhere in the kitchen. Lack of ventilation to the exterior is a potential safety hazard and will be inconvenient for managing cooking odors and indoor humidity. The exhaust fan is not required to be located over the cooktop, but the kitchen needs ventilation somewhere. If the range is gas, it is recommended but not required that the ventilation be installed over the appliance. Hire a qualified contractor to further evaluate this installation and install a cooktop fan and exhaust system to the outdoors as needed.
- Please note that for residences built prior to 1991, ventilation can be a window. Though this is allowed in theory, it is not recommended as many buildings are retrofit over the years to be more air-tight and ventilation to the exterior is universally helpful for moisture control and indoor air quality.
Kitchen Appliances
Kitchen Appliances
Inspection of kitchen appliances is beyond the scope of this home inspection. Under normal conditions every attempt is made to inspect kitchen appliances. In this case, no appliances were installed. Kitchen appliances have not been inspected.
Sink Disposer
Disposal:None noted
Dishwasher:None noted
Refrigerators and Ice Makers
Refrigerator:None noted
Microwave and Other Appliances
Microwave:None noted
Bathroom Sinks and Cabinets
Faucet:No leaks found
Functional Flow:Satisfactory
Hot Water at Faucet:No
Sink Cabinet :Satisfactory
Waste Piping:No leaks Noted
Amateur plumbing, repair or replace as needed
Functional Drainage:Satisfactory
No hot water was noted at the sink.
Amateur plumbing techniques were noted below the sink. This risks leaks, clogs and unreliable performance.
Toilets and Bidets
The toilet continues to run after flushing
Caulking Needed:Around the toilet
The toilet is loose and not adequately mounted and/or caulked to the floor. This risks leaks. Have this further evaluated and repaired as recommended by a licensed plumber.
The toilet continues to run after flushing. Repair as needed to prevent wasting water.
Caulking is needed around the toilet to secure the toilet and for moisture control.
Tubs and Showers
Jetted Tub:None
Tub and Shower Materials:Acrylic/fiberglass
Shower/ Tub Area Condition:Caulk grouting needed
Water Flow:Poor
Hot Water at Faucets:None found
Caulking/grout repairs are needed for the tub/shower enclosure. Regular maintenance of tile caulk and grout is critical for moisture control.
- Caulking/grout needed inside of the tub/shower
Poor functional flow was noted at shower head during testing of the bathroom fixtures. This could indicate a localized problem with the piping system or a more chronic problem. Have this further investigated and repaired as recommended by a licensed plumbing contractor.
No hot water was found at the bathroom sink during testing today. Implement repairs as needed so all fixtures have hot water.
Bathrooms Finishes and Closets
Walls and Ceilings :Satisfactory
Closet :None
Bathroom Ventilation
Ventilation Type:No fan - just a window
The bathroom only has a window for ventilation. While this works. a fan is recommended for improved moisture control.
General Contractor/Electrician
Bedroom Walls, Ceilings, Closets and Floors
Walls and Ceilings :Satisfactory
Moisture Stains:No
Bedroom Windows
Window Material:Vinyl
Window Style:Double hung
Window Condition:Marginal
Repairs needed
Escape and Rescue:Standard
Repairs are needed to the window(s).
- Windows will not open and close properly
- Damaged window frame
General Contractor/Window Specialist
Bedroom Doors
Bedroom Doors:Marginal
Repairs Needed
Repairs are needed to the door(s). See the family bedroom.
- The door is not closing in the jamb
General Contractor
Bedroom Heating and Cooling
Heat Source:Present
Cooling Source:None noted
Bedroom Electrical
Electrical Switches:Present
Electrical Receptacles (Outlets):Repairs needed
Smoke Alarm:Present
Carbon Monoxide Alarm Located Outside Sleeping Area:None found
Ceiling Fan:Satisfactory
Repairs are needed to the electric receptacles.
- Loose receptacle(s)
- Reverse polarity noted (hot and neutral wired backwards - safety hazard)
- Open grounds noted (a common conditions on buildings older than 1963 - GFCI protection is recommended for protection)
No carbon monoxide alarm was found outside of the sleeping bedroom. A CO alarm is recommended outside all sleeping areas for safety.
Common Rooms
Living Room
Walls and Ceilings :Satisfactory
Moisture Stains:No
Ceiling Fan:Satisfactory
Electrical Switches:Present
Electrical Receptacles (Outlets):Repairs needed
Heat Source Present:Yes
Cooling source present:No
Window Materials:Vinyl
Window Style:Single hung
Window Condition:Repairs needed
Repairs needed
Repairs are needed to the electric receptacles.
- Loose receptacle(s)
- Open grounds noted (a common conditions on buildings older than 1963 - GFCI protection is recommended for protection)
Repairs are needed to the window(s).
- Locks don't latch
General Contractor/Window Specialist
(Stairwell Condition - Repairs needed) Repairs are needed to the stairwell(s). Handrail is missing/loose
Electric Branch and Finish Wiring
Electric Receptacles and Switches
Electrical Switches:Present
Lights:Present and tested
Electrical Receptacles (Outlets):Repairs needed
GFCI protection:Present and tested
Repairs are needed to the branch wiring system.
- Amateur wiring in the basement recommend repair by an electrician
- Open junction boxes
(Electrical Receptacles and Switches) Receptacles need repaired.
Laundry Room
Clothes Dryer
Clothes Dryer:None
Dryer Exhaust Condition:Foil transition duct
Gas Shut-off Valve:Not applicable
Foil/Mylar transition duct has been used behind the dryer. Most manufacturer's of clothes dryers do not recommend this product. Update to metal corrugated type between the dryer and the rigid dryer exhaust vent.
Clothes Washer
Clothes Washer:No laundry facilities noted
Washer Hook-up Lines/ Valves:Poor
Repairs needed
Repairs are needed to the clothes washer supply lines. This can be critical to prevent leaks and water damage.
- The supply hoses are old and unreliable
- These conditions risk water damage
Laundry Ventilation
Ventilation Type:None noted - old house
No ventilation was noted for this laundry. Modern standards recommended a fan for all laundry rooms to control indoor humidity.
General Contractor/Electrician
Material:Concrete block
Limited visibility
Cracks:Typical cracks
Wall Coverings:None
Apparent Movement:None noted
Typical cracks were noted in the basement floor finishes. Monitor for signs of additional movement. No repair appears needed at this time. Cracks could be sealed for improved moisture control.
If the walls are covered or partially covered, an effort has been made to note any major inflections or weaknesses. It is difficult to detect these areas when the walls are finished off or storage makes these areas inaccessible. No representation is made as to the condition of these areas.
Basement Drainage
Evidence of Moisture:Mineralization stains
Sump Pump:None noted
Floor Drains:None noted
Mineralization stains were noted. Often referred to as efflorescence, these are white staining patterns similar to sweat stains left on a T-shirt. These tend to indicate seasonal dampness in the masonry and they can indicate more problematic moisture control problems. This is difficult to distinguish during a one-time visual inspection as some minor amount of mineralization is common.
- These stains appear light to moderate. Monitor for signs of moisture control problems and correct if deemed necessary.
Foundation Contractor/Drainage Specialist
Structural supporting beams are damaged. This can weaken the frame. Repair as needed.
General/Framing Contractor
Damaged subfloor was noted. Repair damage as needed.
General Contractor
Floor joists are damaged and require repair.
General Contractor
Partly visible
Condition:Repairs needed
Repairs are needed to the basement floor.
General/Basement Contractor
Indication of moisture staining
It is recommended to periodically check the subfloor for any indications of active moisture or deterioration, especially around toilets and showers/tubs. If active moisture is detected, it's recommended to contact a qualified plumber for any repairs of the leaks and to replace any damaged areas as needed.
Moisture stains were noted on he sub-floor. These appeared dry at the time of inspection. These may be from prior leaks or even from construction.
Basement Walls, Ceilings, Closets and Floors
Walls and Ceilings :Plaster repairs needed
Repairs are needed to the plaster walls and/or ceilings.
Crawl Space
Crawl Space
Foundation Type:Partial crawl space
Conditioned (Heated/ Cooled):No
Via basement
Inspection Method:Viewed at access
Foundation Walls
Material:Concrete block
Crawl Space Ventilation
Location:Wall vents
Screens missing/damaged
Crawl space vent screens are missing/damaged and require repair especially for rodent control.
General Contractor
None noted
Vapor Barrier (Installed on ground)
Present:None noted
Vapor Retarder (Installed on subfloor)
None noted
Water Service
Main Water Shut-off Condition:Marginal
Pressure Reducing Valve:Present
Hose Bib (Spigot) Shut Off(s):None found
Water Entry Piping:Galvanized
Visible Water Distribution Piping:Copper
PEX Plastic
Water Distribution Condition:No leaks discovered during testing
Water Pipe Insulation:Incomplete
The water pipe insulation is incomplete. This risks pipes freezing during cold weather and is less energy efficient where heated water lines are run through unconditioned spaces.
- Pipe insulation is incomplete in the crawl space
Galvanized steel piping was noted in use for the supply piping system. This is older steel pipe that corrodes from the inside. Overtime, pipes become restricted until functional flow is so diminished, they have to be replaced. Leaks can also develop at any time. Budget to replace/update these old pipes as a future project.
Waste Piping
Sewer Type:Public Sewer System
Drain/Waste/Vent Pipe:Cast iron
Repairs needed
Support:Improperly supported - repair
Repairs are needed to the waste piping system.
- Inadequate pipe support noted
- Active leaks noted
Sanitary/Grinder Pump
None noted
Receipt -- The Full Report
1234 John & Jane Doe Boulevard, Indianapolis, IN 46239
Full Home Inspection | $400.00 |
$400.00 | |