ICN#: 10309AR007

Wood Destroying Organisms

This report includes a structural pest inspection embedded within the report. All observations in this report that begin with WDO are a part of a WA State Pest Inspection. Orca Inspection Services LLC employs Dylan Chalk, Licensed Structural Pest Inspector #65540. Please note that most WDO observations are related to high moisture conditions that could be conducive to mold-like substances. Orca Inspection Services LLC is not a mold specialist and recommends consulting with an industrial hygienist or other mold remediation expert if concerned about mold or indoor air quality.Inspection Standards in Washington State - WAC 16-228-2045 - REQUIRES THAT A DIAGRAM / DRAWING BE PREPARED FOR WOOD DESTROYING ORGANISM (WDO) REPORTS. IF THE PHOTOS AND DESCRIPTIONS IN THIS REPORT ARE INADEQUATE, A DRAWING IS AVAILABLE UPON REQUEST.

Visible Evidence of Active Wood Destroying Insects None noted

Visible Evidence of Inactive Wood Destroying Insects None noted

Visible Evidence of Active Wood Decay and Fungi None noted

Visible Evidence of Damage from Wood Destroying Organisms None noted

Visible Evidence of Conditions Conducive to Wood Destroying Organisms Present


  • Exterior/Garage:

    I did not find weep holes at the base of the exterior brick siding. Weep holes are designed to provide dry-potential for the wall assembly. Weep holes are typically located every 4-6 feet at the base of the wall assembly. This should be further investigated by a qualified mason and repaired as recommended to insure reliable performance from this wall assembly. Weep holes are important to give the wall assembly dry potential and to prevent pressure differences between the front and the back side of the brick.

  • Exterior/Garage:

    One piece of exposed building wrap was noted at the east side gable wall on the new fiber cement shingles. Use a metal flashing as needed to cover exposed building wrap and insure a weather proof installation.


  • Exterior/Garage:

    A curb has been used at the entrance to the garage. These are often employed where water entry has been a problem in the past. No signs of water damage or water entry were noted. This could inhibit drainage out of the garage.